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I sat in the shower with the water running down my body while looking down at my injured leg, with tears running down my face. There were pictures and videos of me falling with captions like 'saw this chick kept falling so I decided to pull out my phone and as I got my camera out this happened.' I couldn't help but cry, I have been humiliated, they don't even understand that I broke it. I got up somehow, threw some PJ's on and fell on my bed. My phone buzzed three times I didn't answer, then it rang it was an unknown number but I answer anyway and freaked out when I heard the voice on the other end, it was non other than Jason West, aka the bad boy, man whore what ever you want to call the guy that sleeps with anyone he can get.

"Hey Umm. I know you are there because you answered the phone are you OK?"

"No you asshole I fucking broke my leg in three different places and you guys are being jerks I can't even fucking walk. Leave me alone!"

"Hey I didn't know you broke it, if I did I never would have posted those."

"That doesn't fucking matter you still posted it and now school is going to be even worse. So just leave me the fuck alone manwhore!"

And with that I hung up, and cried some more, then got another call, this time Addison

"Adds I don't want to talk I'm tired."

"You're not mad at me?"

"No just mad at that manwhore who posted those."

"I'm sorry, do you need me to bring you anything?"

"No I got it, I'm fine. I just need some sleep and I might not be in tomorrow, sorry."

"It's fine. Night, love ya Ash."

"Love you too Adds. Night."

I hung up and tried to fall asleep but was stopped by a notification: Instagram: Jason West just tagged you in a picture. Great. I unlocked my phone and checked it not even sure why. He posted a picture of himself looking sorry with a caption: turns out the girl that fell yesterday broke her leg in three different places and I'm just saying sorry for the stuff I said @AshlynnKeith 😔.
I sighed how does this manwhore even know who I am ...WAIT how the hell did he get my fucking number. I texted him real quick:

Ashlynn: dude how do you even know who I am and how the hell did you get my number?????????

Jason: calm down princess we are in a few classes together. Getting your number on the other hand was more difficult. You know a Declan right???

Ashlynn: how the hell did you get my brother to give you my number. I'm not allowed to hang out with him and his friends because they could hurt me but he will give my number to a fucking manwhore. WTAF

Jason: didn't need to know all that and stop calling me manwhore!!

Jason's name has been changed to ManWhore.

ManWhore: really two can play at this

Ashlynn's name as been changed to Clusty  Bitch.

Clusty Bitch: really asshole

Clutsy Bitch's name has been changed to Lynn.

ManWhore: better?

Lynn: yes thank you, goodnight.

ManWhore: really I fixed yours now fix mine

ManWhore's name has been changed to Stupid ManWhore.

Lynn: its staying like that till you can prove yourself. Night

Lynn: ManWhore.

I turned off my phone laughing and fell asleep.

I Fell, and It Almost Got Me KilledTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang