Chapter 2

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One week after Naruto left:

Minato was sitting in his office doing paperwork. But his mind was on other things like how he neglected his son.


Minato got out of bed to see that he was alone. He figured that Kushina was already making breakfast for the twins and got dressed. He walked down to the kitchen to see that Mito and Natsuki were already eating breakfast. "Morning girls," he said as he sat down to eat.

"Morning Tou-Chan," the said to gather

"Morning dear," said Kushina as she set down a bowl of rice and kissed Minato. As Minato ate he had something biting at the back of his head like he was forgetting something but he ignored it. After they were all done eating breakfast Minato said: "Alright girls, get out to the backyard and we can continue where we left off the day before yesterday". As they walked out the back door Mito asked "Tou-chan,"


"Can Nii-chan train with us?" and when she asked that question Minato froze. He then realized that Naruto wasn't at the table for breakfast. "I don't see why not"

"OKAY" she replied and went to go get Naruto. But when she reached the door to the house she turned and asked something "Where is nii-chans room, Tou-chan?" then Minato froze again

"Yeah, where is nii-sans room?" asked Nastki who looked at Kushina

"I don't know either," she said with some worry in her voice

"I think I know where his room his," said Minato as he made a motion with his hand to follow him.

When Minato walked up the stairs of his home he felt guilt and self-loathing. Guilt because he had forgotten his son and loathing because he completely ignored him. When he reached the door with Mito, Natsuki and Kushina behind him, he knocked on the door and it opened up. When they all saw the inside of the room, they were astounded. It was grey, grey as grey could be. There was a small mattress on the floor, a small lamp and a dresser. It looked more like a cell than a room. Minato them looked in the closet and was disgusted. It was full of bloodied bandages and clothes. He then heard "Minato,"

"What is it Kushina?"

"Read this," she said with tears in her eyes and she handed Minato a note. Once he read it he turned and said "ANBU," and a bunch of ANBU appeared "FIND MY SON! FIND NARUTO! NOW!" and they all said "HAI!" and went in search of Naruto. He then turned to Natsuki who was pulling on his cloak

"Where is Nii-chan?" she said with tears forming in her eyes

"He'll be home soon, Natsuki. He'll be home soon."

-------------------------------------------End of Flashback----------------------------------------------------

Minato got up from his chair and looked out the window about what has happened since Naruto left. Natsuki and Mito took their training more seriously in order to find their brother. Kushina then went into a depression, never leaving his room and saying that once she found him she would be a better mother. "Kami, what have I done?" he said as tears slipped down his cheeks.

With Naruto:

Naruto has been traveling for a week now going in the direction Gildarts told him to go. "Are we there yet?"

'Just a little bit further. You'll know when we are there' said Gildarts and Naruto walked until he reached a cave. 'Go inside' said Gildarts as Naruto walked into the cave with his bag in hand. Naruto continued to walk until he reached a door.

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