Chapter 10

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I trembled as I remembered the vicious attack of this wolf in the forest that day. I started to hyperventilate as the huge form of the beast blurred in front of me. I was trapped so much in my misery that I did not know when my hand was encased in my bodyguard’s. This also meant that I was not ready for what he did next.

He turned my palm towards his face and breathed in. Then he placed the softest kiss on the centre of my palm, which ignited a slow heat within me. And suddenly all my trepidation and fear withered away. His kiss almost was a soothing balm which promised me protection.

‘Who are you?’ he seemed to direct the question towards the wolf in front. I stared at the back of his head, puzzled. It wasn’t as if the dumb animal could understand him. But apparently the wolf did understand since it growled threateningly and started stalking slowly towards us.

Brandon tensed. I wondered why we hadn’t called the cops. At least they had guns that could take the animal down though my animal lover side was protesting against the atrocious thought. Maybe they could use tranquilizers. A purr startled me as I looked back to see the stray cat perched on the hood of the truck. It jumped down gracefully on the ground and purred at Brandon, which was strange since the cat should be running in the face of danger like it had done the other night when I was nearly raped.

But the stranger fact was that Brandon looked at the cat and appeared to be listening. It made me wonder if he had some gift to understand animals. That would explain his confidence in facing the wolf.

An insistent but gentle shove pushed me against the truck’s hood and a hand caressed my face. I looked up to Brandon’s eyes, pleading something. But what?

‘Guard her’, he commanded the cat and before I could ask him whether he was insane, he started stalking towards the advancing wolf. The beast and man started to run towards each other leading to an inevitable collision. I squeezed my eyes shut and opened them a second later only to repeat the action again.

Where was Brandon?

I blinked once again but the scene remained unchanged. Two wolves, one red and the other black were circling each other, growling viciously. Where did a man of his size disappear so fast? I was so surprised that I didn’t even notice that he’d left me alone with two wolves snapping at each other.

I was about to go looking for him, when a voice arose from behind, making me jump.

‘I wouldn’t do that if I were you.’

I whirled around to find a young woman, sitting cross legged on the hood of my truck. I rubbed my eyes in disbelief. What on earth was happening here?

‘Excuse me?’ I choked out.

The lady jumped down gracefully and then leant back against the truck, her black hair glistening in the moonlight. Her cat like eyes appraised me from head to heel.

‘What? You think it’s a good idea to step around those two?’, she gestured towards the wolves still circling each other , ‘Go ahead but let me say you won’t come back in one piece.’

‘Who are you?’ And from where the hell did you drop from, I thought.

‘Hmm…you should have replaced the “who” with “what”.’

I looked at her sardonically.

‘Really. Fine then, what are you?’

‘I’m like him.’ She said with a hand pointing at the wolves.

My brows rose in confusion.

Her mouth dropped open.

“Don’t tell me you didn’t see…or are you in denial?’

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