~Chapter 14~ Suffer

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As you both walk free from your prison, you spot two figures in the room. One of them was the old man you just met: Higan.

"Well, I never saw that coming!" Higan exclaimed, lighting the cigarette in his mouth.

"Shut up," Barks the other figure, you realized that you knew this person.

"Julian!?" You exclaimed to Julian, who was standing next to Higan. "What are you doing here?!" Julian scoffed, his eyes once beautiful gray eyes were now red, like a vampire's.

"What do you think I'm doing here?" He replied. "You know, it's really funny how trusting you are, (Y/N)."

"But you went miss-"

"Are you an idiot?" He interrupted. "I didn't 'disappear'... I made it look that way, though..." You tried to process what he was saying, what did they do to your dear friend?

"But, why would you do this?!" You asked. "What did they do to you!?"

"It was all her fault..." He hissed. You knew who he was talking about. "If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be doing this..." Julian's hands ignited with flames, he charged at you. You through a sphere of electricity at him, he dodged, but Lawless jumped to his side and kicked him back near Higan, his hands also engulfed in flames.

"If it wasn't for that little witch, my brother would still be here!" Julian yelled. "And I'm just going to return the favor..." You threw more electricity at him, but Higan swatted them away with his flames. Lawless threw you out of the way as Julian whipped his flames towards you, he swung his sword into a combative position as your hands lit up with more sparks. Lawless jumped over to Higan, stabbing at him as Higan jumped away from the blade. You faced Julian, his face filled with nothing but pure, unending hatred.

"Did you help them kidnap the others?!" You bellowed, asking questions you hoped would be answered. "Did you kill Mary Snyder?!"

"I did." He confesses. "All of them were so gullible as to trust me... They thought I was still happy-go-lucky, goody-two-shoes Julian Wilkinson... But, they were wrong!" He lunges at you burning your shoulder. You grab him by the shirt, push him to the ground and electrocuted him, but it wasn't enough to leave him immobile. He grabs your left ankle and his flames burn your skin, you cry out in pain as your ankle felt like it's been dipped in lava, he lets go and you stumble back, limping on your right foot.

"Aw, are you hesitating?" He mocks as you started to breath in heavy, short breaths, trying to will away the pain. You run at him, even though the pain in your ankle is extreme, sparks dancing on your hands. You try to throw a punch, you end up grazing his cheek, he hisses in pain as he is shocked by the static. He grabs your arm and throws you into a wall, a giant crack forming were you slump to the floor. Your vision is blurred with the blood in your eye tinting everything red, you struggle to stand up, tremors going through out your body. Julian runs over to you, punching you in the stomach before you make more sparks, you fall over on your side, hacking up blood as he puts his boot on your temple. You couldn't move, your body felt numb, this was one of Julian's abilities: Paralyzation, whenever he touched someone, he can paralyze them, but it wears off in a minute.

"I can't wait to see the look on her face..." He smiles a toothy grin, his fangs giving you chills. "I hope she feels the same way I did that day, I want to make her feel my pain." You look up at him, silently begging for him to come to his senses, but you knew that he wouldn't, he's beyond your help.

"Did you... Want to kill me ever since then?" You choke out.

"No," He tells you. "In fact, I never blamed you for Jeanette's actions, but... Let's just say that vampires can be really convincing. This isn't against you, I just want your sister to suffer, and now you're the stepping stone to achieve that goal." You feel as if this wasn't Julian, this was just a stranger who looked like him. All this time, he was suffering, and you didn't even notice, you thought you should've reached out to him, but the vampires beat you to the punch. Now, you were here, laying on the ground with your once-best friend preaching about how he wants your sister to suffer the same way he did. He ignites the flames in his hands and reaches down towards your face, you try to move, but you are still paralyzed. You feel his boot lift off your head and the numbness in your body starts to disappear, you look up and saw a blade poking through his stomach, Lawless stood behind him. Lawless sinks his teeth into Julian's neck, he screams out for Higan to help. Higan jumps over to Lawless, flames swirling around him like a tornado, Lawless jumps away as Higan punches the wall, scorch marks burned into the plaster. You grab Higan's leg and electrocute him as you get up and run in the opposite direction. Higan stops in his tracks and his eyes widen, he backs away, noticing Julian is now a hostage.

You sprint towards Lawless, Julian still in his grip, fangs drawing blood from his flesh. Julian flails his arms frantically, begging Lawless no to kill him. Lawless's sword is pressed against the skin under his neck, if Julian tried to attack, it would be the end of him.

"Please! Help!" Julian cried. "(Y/N), please, make him stop! I was bluffing! Let me go, I'm begging you! (Y/N), don't betray me, I'm your friend, remember!?" You glower at him, your eyes glazed over with disgust, but at the same time, pitty.

"Lawless," You addressed your Servamp. "What are you doing to him?"

"This." Lawless muttered, he started drinking the blood from Julian's veins, his eyes tear up. No matter how hard you try, you couldn't stop yourself from recognising that face as your dear friend's.

"Lawless, stop, that's enough!" You try to pull Julian away from his grip, but he was too strong. You were ready to shock him when you realized Lawless let him go. Julian falls to his knees on the ground, you watch as his body starts to turn to sand, his eyes shallow and empty. Higan just stares at the sand, and then looks at you and Lawless. He throws his cigarette on the ground and steps on it to snuff it out.

"Good grief, I couldn't stand that kid, he was in the way of everything..." Higan begins, flames erupting larger and brighter than before, his entire body engulfed in flames. "And now I can give it my all against you two."

The Mage | Lawless x Reader (Servamp)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum