~Chapter 8~ Who is he?

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As soon as you got home, Lawless fell asleep. You thought it was odd since you used to think vampires didn't sleep. He was laying on the couch in your apartment, completely unconscious. You were sitting on the floor, old books and papers scattered on the coffee table. Your eyes skimmed over each page, finding absolutely nothing about the name Tsubaki. You groaned in frustration, you had gone through every book on the shelf, or so you thought. There was a small book with a red leather cover, faded with age, you never remembered owning this book. You open the book, it was a journal, but who's? You looked on the back cover, a name was on the back:

Eleanore Becker

Your eyes widened, this was your mother's journal. You thought that this wouldn't be that useful, bet then you remembered what Belkia said:

Not even you remember him, Eleanore?

You flip through the pages, the dates go back to the late 1980s. You looked at all the dates and entries until you reached March 2, 1995. It said:

March 2, 1995

It's been a week since I've last wrote an entry. Why now? Because I've met an interesting person. I met him in the clearing near the house, he was just wandering around, alone. He looked suspicious, so asked him what he was doing.

He started laughing. Loudly... And he just looked crazy. He stopped and then said 'you're boring'. Where did that come from? I stood there like an idiot, staring at him, and he just walked away. He was obviously short; probably shorter than me, but he was wearing 8 inch sandals (educated guess), which made him look taller. He didn't seem that much older than me, I've never seen him before. If he was in the coven, I would definitely know who he was. I feel like I should try to find out who he is, he just doesn't feel normal. He definitely doesn't act normal. He was giving off this murderous aura, and a really strong one. But, why was he in the clearing?

Who is he?

You put down the book and thought to yourself, who was your mother talking about? Was that weird guy Tsubaki? You snapped your attention from your thoughts as you heard Lawless mumble in his sleep. You got up and walked over to him, he twitched and mumbled again.

"Stop." He mumbles, you freeze, but then you realized he was still sleeping. "Stop... It... Leave her be... Stay away... O... Ophelia..."

Ophelia? Who is that? You wondered. Lawless started tossing and turning, a bead of sweat rolled down his forehead, a tear welled up in his closed eye. He was having a nightmare. You felt odd just sitting there, doing nothing to help. You placed your hand on his shoulder, lightly shaking him. He woke up.

"Ophelia!" He yells, you yelp as you fall back, frightened. He looks around frantically, he sets his eyes on you, he mellows. He raises an eyebrow and swings his feet off the couch and on the floor. "What are you doing on the floor?" He asks.

"I was trying to wake you up," You explained, sitting next to him on the couch. "You were shouting in your sleep..." Lawless tilts his head down, putting a palm to his face. He puts his other hand on your shoulder, his grip tightens.

"Thank you, (Y/N)." He mutters. Lawless thanked you for waking him up? Was his dream that terrifying? You cup his face in your hands and make him look you in the eye.

"Lawless," You adress him. "Are you okay? Be honest with me." The blonde vampire's face was as red as his eyes. He looked down and gently clutched your wrists, removing them from his cherry-red cheeks.

"I'm fine," He replies as he turns his head away from you.

Liar, You thought. Your eyes follow him as he got up off the coach, avoiding your gaze. He walked out onto the balcony, you left him alone for a few minutes. Curiosity poked at your soul like a needle as you talk to Elizabeth, who was checking if you were okay after the vampire attacked. After Elizabeth hung up, you opened the glass door of the balcony and walked out. Lawless was leaning on the railing, staring out into the moon-lit city. You stood next to him, so silent you could hear a pin drop.

"Are you okay?" You finally asked.

"Aw, are you worried about me, Little Lady?" Lawless teases you.

"Yes, I am." You told him, he looks surprised. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I guess..." He trails off, something in your mind told you not to believe him.

"You're lying, I can tell." You remark bluntly.

"I'm fine, It was just a nightmare, jeez." He shot back. That question from earlier scratched at the door of your mind. Lawless was about to go inside until you grabbed his arm. "What?" He asks.

"Uh... The things you said in your sleep..." You inform him. "I just have a lot of questions..."

"What did I say that bothers you so much? And why do you care?" He questions.

"You were saying 'stay away' and 'stop'." You explained, Lawless listening intently. "You also cried out for someone... Someone named "Ophelia"..." Lawless looked down, again avoiding eye contact with you. You figured he needed some more time, and left him outside on the balcony.

She cares about me, obviously... Even though she shouldn't. He thought. I wonder how long I'll let her last.

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