~Chapter 6~ I Can Never Forgive Her

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"Hey there, Sis." Your sister greets you, you back away from her.

"What are you doing here?" You ask her harshly, Lawless jumps up on your shoulder.

"Who is she?" He whispers to you.

"No one important." you mumble.

Jeanette puts on a pouty expression, sticking out her lip and making innocent-looking eyes. "Aw, is wittle (Y/N) not happy to her sister?"

"No, I'm not happy to see you," You growl. "In fact, I enjoyed your absence. Why are you here? And why did you shift to look like Elizabeth?" She crosses her arms and leans on the corroding wall, giving you a very smug smirk.

"Don't you know about all the missing mages?" She questioned. "I came here to help. Also, I shifted into your friend so you would actually come to see me without protest."

"You're not welcome here." You sneered.

"Your little friend, Elizabeth, called me," She informed. "She said that my help was needed."

"She should have never been in contact with you," You shot back, anger filling up your soul like boiling water in a pot. "She should know why."

"She made it very clear that she remembers my little slip up, but-"

"'Little slip up'?" You echoed. "So what you did was a little slip up, huh? Do you even know the difference between a slip up and something you meant to do!?"

"-But she said she was willing to set that aside for now. She told me you were trying to figure out things all by yourself and that you needed help." She finished, you opened your mouth to say something but Jeanette interrupted before you could. "No, she does not doubt your intelligence, but she just thinks that you need my theory on this-"

"I don't need your help, Jeanette." You said with force. "Get out of here."

"Not an option."


"I have no intentions of leaving," She assured. "I came all this way to help you, so I'm not leaving."

"Whatever," You hissed. "Just... Do your investigation separate from mine, and only come to see me when you find something important."

"Alright, have it your way, then." She shrugged.

"Shut up."


"Can you believe it!?" You yell, you were frustrated as you sat at the kitchen table in your apartment above the shop. "She's back! Why is she back!? She said she wanted to help, but there's got-"

"Calm down." Lawless says, leaning on the shelf like he usually does. There was silence, awkward and uncomfortable like it usually is. "Why do you hate her so much anyway?"

"... She..." You trailed off. "Is just a bad person... She did a lot of despicable stuff a few years ago... And I can never forgive her." You noticed Lawless was actually paying attention to what you were saying, he had raised an eyebrow and just stared at you intently, like he was curious. He walked over to you and started patting your head, your hair becoming a little messy.

"Wow," He says. "I can actually relate to you, today."


"I'm not a big fan of my siblings either." He explains.

"Oh..." You say, you always thought Lawless was just very hard to read, but he seems to be opening up to you a little bit. You look at the clock, you get out of your chair and put away most of the research you doing to make it look neater than it actually was. You grab you bag and walk down the stairs, Lawless follows close behind you.

"Where are you heading off to so late?" Lawless ask you.

"Work." You say.

"That's very specific." Lawless spoke sarcastically, putting his hands in his pockets.

"I'm just going to a coven meeting that's all."

"Coven meeting?"

"Covens gather together when there is a crisis going on in their territory," You tell him. "You wanna' come with me?"

"Is it going to be boring?" He asks.

"If you think the elderly mages yelling accusations at each other while everybody else discusses the real problem at hand is boring... Than it will probably be a really long, boring night for you."

"... I will gladly stand outside and wait for you then." He answers.


You creek open the rusted door to the building you were in earlier with Jeanette, you close the door behind you as you hear distant yelling down the hall. You walk up the hall way into an open space filled with most of the mages in your coven, and as you expected, the older mages were barking accusations at each other.

"I know for a fact it was you, Pearson!" Mr. Holt yelled at Mr. Pearson from across the room. "We haven't seen you in weeks!"

"Just because you haven't seen me in three weeks doesn't mean I did it, Blockhead!" Mr. Pearson barked.

"Sit down, grandpa," Elizabeth ordered Mr. Holt, her grandfather. "You're making a scene!"

Mr. Holt mumbled angrily as he sat down in his chair, tapping his foot on the ground. Elizabeth beckoned you over to an empty seat next to her and Gregory, who had two band-aids on his cheek and clothe bandages on his forehead and left hand.

"Guess the fight didn't go well, did it?" You asked, Gregory turned away and grunted.

"Order!" Yelled the coven leader, Mikaelson, everybody in the room went silent and listened intently . "We have serious problem on our hands, over the past two months, twenty-seven of our mages have gone missing, starting with Anna-Lynn Snyder and recently with Julian Wilkinson, no one has disappeared since."

You shifted in your seat at the mention of Julian's name, you wonder what happened to him. Was he alright? Is he hurt? Is he going to be found? Is he even alive?

"But," Mikaelson continued. "We have found one man... Who, unfortunately, was found dead. But, his autopsy did give us a clue on who- no, what might've done this. He was found with bite marks on his neck which resemble the bite of a-" Blood spilled to the floor before he could finish his sentence, a sword punctured through his stomach, he gasps for air as the sword was recklessly removed from his body. Mikaelson falls to the floor, his blood pools on the ground. A woman screams out in fear and the crowd gasps and starts to panic. A man with long pink hair tied in ponytail stood up, bloody sword in hand with a psychotic smile painted on his face.

"Aw, he's dead," The man says. "But, that's what gets for not listening to a great vampire magician like me!"

Vampire!? Your thoughts raced as everyone around screamed in terror and rushed to get out the door. A few of the mages jumped over to the vampire to fight him off while everybody else ran for safety. You didn't know what to do in this situation, but you know someone who would. There was a window five seats away from you, you ran over to it, shoved it open and jumped out. You fell to the ground, Lawless was on his phone, he shoves it into his pocket and stares at you trying to get up.

"Was it that boring that you jumped out the window to escape?" He asked, snickering somewhat at your ungraceful  tumbel.

"Lawless!" You addressed him. "I need your help!"

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