~Chapter 5~ The Missing Ones

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Is she really still mad at me about yesterday...? Lawless wondered as she scribbled names down on a notepad. He leaned on the side of the shelf, observing you in deep thought. You look up from the notepad and look at Lawless, who was looking at you.

"Do you need something?" You ask.

"No," He answered, he makes his way over to the counter. "What'cha writing?"


"Names...?" He repeated.

"Names of people in my coven who have disappeared." You explained.


"People have been disappearing for the past two months now." You continued. "And it all started with the members of the Snyders..."

"The Snyders?"

"A family in my coven," You added. "The first person to disappear was Anna-Lynn Snyder, who disappeared on May 5..." You take a pen and point to her name and the day she disappeared. You went in your desk and pulled out an old book with a torn leather cover. You wiped away the sheet of dust on the title, it said "The Silent Robin Coven" on the top. You flip through the pages to eventually find the Snyder family, pictures and names of the family on the torn, aged pages. You point at a picture of a girl with brown hair cut above her shoulders and green eyes that shined like stain glass in the sunlight.

"That's Anna-Lynn," You assure. "Her sister, Mary, disappeared shortly after, and then her parents went missing after her."

"Maybe they just left the coven...?" He theorized. "Maybe they were tired of all of you?"

"No," You remarked. "The parents were dedicated to the coven and the people in it, I'd doubt they'd just abandon the coven after being so devoted."

"I would leave if you were in my coven." He sasses. 

"Shut up. It bothers me because.... This guy," You point at a name on your notepad and turned to a picture of a man with grayish-black hair. "... Was missing, like the other, but he was found dead just four days ago. But, it was weird how he died..."

"Okay, what was so weird about his death?" Lawless sarcastically asks.

"Well, he had four bite marks on his neck and shoul-"

"Probably a vampire killed him." Lawless interrupted.

"Do vampires rip the hearts out of their victims after they drain every ounce of blood out of their bodies, then proceed to gauge their eyes out?" You interrogate. Lawless stays silent, you take that as a 'no'.

"... Uh, yeah, we vampires don't do that..." Lawless says. "Most of us , anyways."

Just as he finished his sentence, Elizabeth swung open the door, making her presence known to you. 

"Sup," She greets.

"Uh... Hi...?" You state. "What are you doing here?"

"Am I not allowed to say hi to my dear best friend for life?" Elizabeth giggles, something is odd about her behavior. She turns her attention to Lawless. "Who's that?"

"Uh, I'm just-" He begins. 

"You're her boyfriend, aren't you?" She asks.

"No!" You both said harmoniously.

"Anyways..." She continued. "Did you hear?"

"Hear what?" You ask, putting the book back in the drawer, closing it shut.

"Julian went missing." At those words, you stopped in your tracks and turned your gaze to Lawless, who returned your look, but wasn't exactly as troubled by it as you.

"What happened?" You asked. "I just saw him yesterday!"

"His little sister said he didn't come home last night." Elizabeth informs you. "Also, I got to take you somewhere."

"Where exactly...? I have work to do." You tell her as you looked at the shelf and take a jar and bowl off it, putting it on the counter.

"Just somewhere..." She replies as she looks around the shop, as if she hasn't been there before.

"Fine, I'll go." You groaned.

"Meet me at the ritual spot at four."


You were at the coven's ritual spot at the designated time, Elizabeth has always dragged you places you didn't want to go, but why here of all places? An old, musty abandoned building barely ever used for rituals anymore since you coven had stopped doing them. You were just pacing back and forth, waiting for your friend to arrive.

"Why are you pacing so much?" Lawless asked as he padded behind you in his hedgehog form while you paced back and forth.

"I have work to do," You replied.

"You need to lighten up, Little Lady," He tells you.

"Don't call me that."

"Hey!" You hear Elizabeth shout. You whip around, she is sitting on the stairs, legs crossed with her chin in her hand.

"Where did you come from?"

"Places," She answered sarcastically and bluntly. "Where do you think I came from, hon?"

"That sassy remark is definitely not Elizabeth worthy," You tell the person in front of you. Dead silence filled the air as you stared at the person pretending to be your friend. "Who are you?"

"Ah, snap," The doppelganger said. "I thought I finally got that idiot's ditzy personality down." The doppelganger's skin started to glow gray as they started to reshape into a different person, the gray light dimmed and disappeared, revealing the identity of the copy-cat. Your eyes widened at the sight of this person, you knew this woman better than most people.

"J-Jeanette?!" You marveled. The tall, black-haired woman grinned widely at your bafflement at her odd entrance into the conversation.

"Long time, no see," She greeted. "Little Sis."

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