~Chapter 12~ Symbols

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You spent the whole day searching for Lawless, but you haven't found him yet, worry was a rock sitting on your heart. As Mahiru promised, he tried to help you, but the Servamp of Greed was nowhere to be found, you kept looking until the night sky became visible. You and Mahiru decided it would be useful and logical to exchange phone numbers. You then walked home, disappointed you couldn't find Lawless. You climbed up the stairs, went into your room, and crawled into your bed. You cocooned yourself in your blankets until you looked like a miserable caterpillar who chooses not to become a beautiful butterfly.

You wake up in the morning, alarm clock beeping endlessly. You groggily lifted your hand up and smacked down the snooze button, your electricity flowing through your fingers, ultimately breaking the clock. You didn't mean to do that.

Oh no, You thought. You got out of bed, but your body felt so heavy, your head was reeling and you couldn't stand straight. You couldn't contemplate what was wrong, was it the Ekratia curse? But, then you realised... It had nothing to do with the curse.

It was the distance limit. How far was Lawless away? You attempted to get on fresh clothes, going slower than a slug. You faltered and tripped down the stairs, getting back up on your feet and stumbling out the door, your phone in your grasp. Your fingers trembled as you tried to call Mahiru, using the walls of the building for support as you try to walk. Mahiru finally picks up.


"Mahiru!" You exclaimed, you hear thud on the other side of the phone, you assume he was startled and dropped the phone.

"(Y/N)? What's wrong?" He says.

You hears someone on the other side of the phone. The unknown person asks who Mahiru is talking to, Mahiru says "Greed's Eve".

"I feel really sick... My head is spinning..." You try to summarize your pain, staggering down the block, already five blocks away from your apartment. "Did you... Happen to find him...?"

"No, I didn't," He informs you. "Hold on! Stay where you are, we'll come and find you!"

"Hey there!" You hear someone greet. You look up to see and old man with long, bright-red hair and eyes waving to you. You never recalled ever knowing this man, why was he waving to you?

"D-Do I know you?" You asked the man, he puts a cigarette in his mouth, and then looks back at you.

"No." He replies. "But I know someone who would know you. Hey, by the way, do you have a lighter on you? I think I dropped mine."

'But I know someone who would know you', what does that even mean...? You wondered as your head ache became more severe. The old man's right hand caught on fire, red flames burning hot as he used them to light his cigarette.

"The name's Higan, (Y/N) (L/N)." The red-head introduced himself, flames glowing brighter, the mention of your name caught you off gaurd. "I won't hurt you if you come quietly."

Electricity sparked on your fingers, you gave him a glare. "I'm not going down without a fight..." You mumble. You launch a ball of electricity near his head, but he dodged it. Your electricity and aim were weak, your arms ached as more sparks charged in your palms. You started throwing them randomly, him dodging everyone, except for the last one, witch electrocuted his leg. His mouth went agape, causing his cigarette to fall out of his mouth as he starred at the charred, brittle skin on his leg.

"Well shoot me with an arrow and call me a dead man," He says. "That was a pretty strong attack, Sparky." He created a circle of fire around you and him, he throws fire at you, but tried to dodge everyone, but one of them burned your left arm, you shout out in pain as the remainder of your sleeve floated to the ground in a burnt mess.

"(Y/N)!" You hear Mahiru call out to you, you whip around to see Mahiru standing there with Kuro on his shoulder.

"Kuro, we have to fight!" Mahiru orders his Servamp.

"Uh, Mahiru, I don't think-" Kuro started.

"No time for that, Kuro, she needs our help!" You hear Mahiru interrupt the cat as you keep dodging Higan's attacks. Kuro sighed, drank Mahiru's blood and a light blue chain sprung from his neck and attached to Mahiru's wrist. But, as soon as he touched the ground, Kuro's body... started to melt, his skin turned pitch black as he reached out, as if trying to grab someone's hand.

"Mahi-" He couldn't even say his Eve's name before his body started to swirl and warp into a sphere-shaped, pitch-black object. Mahiru starred at the object, picking it up off the ground, his lips quivering and his eyes wide.

"K-Kuro...?" He said.

Higan looked at the startled brunette as he stared at the ball. "Woah, Sloth turned into a ball...? Let me see that." He reaches out to touch the sphere, but Mahiru backs away, protecting it.

"S-Stay away from Kuro!" Mahiru stutters, trying to protect his immobilized Servamp. You quickly jumped in front of Mahiru, your eyes giving off a menacing glare to the old vampire.

"Your fight is with me, don't get him involved." You growled, sparks moving through your veins and onto your fingertips, you whip him with a string of electricity, Higan ducks and punches you in the stomach. The fire cuts Mahiru off from you, he stared in horror as the one-sided fight became worse. You were able the attach a string of electricity to Higan's leg and swing him into a nearby building, smoke fills the air.

"Mahiru, why did you come after me!?!" You question.

"I came to help, but...!" He clutches the sphere tighter in his hands, a look a frustration giving off his emotion. "I can't do anything... Kuro is-"

"It's not about what you can do!" You yell. "It's about what you want to do! No person in the world got anywhere by just saying 'what can I do?', they got somewhere because they tried to do what they wanted to do... A friend of mine told me that once..."



Two names on two silver chains...

Worn by two friends to symbolize their friendship. The images flash into your mind, everything was so different back then...

You jump back into the fight, but Higan was too fast, one final hit to the back of your neck sends you falling to the ground.

All you see is black.

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