Under the Surface (2)

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Under the Surface

Chapter 2

After I figured out that I could tell people what to do with just a thought I cried. I didn't mean to such a thing. I just wanted to see her go higher. I didn't think she would. I didn't know she would. I didn't know that she didn't have a choice. Cameron had a broken arm and two fractured ribs. I couldn't talk to her for weeks because I thought she would hate me. So when I went to see her in the hospital I was crying before I even entered her room. Her face was cut up and bruised and her arm was rapped thickly in a white cast. She turned to me with a smile on her face and asked, "Why are you crying silly? I finally get to do nothing but sit on my butt! It's awesome!" I couldn't help but laugh. Cam never really did like work except for gymnastics.


I've become better at managing my abilities I still can't completely block out the voices, but I can turn the volume down to background noise. Still it's annoying as hell when you're trying to read a book and you hear you parents thinking about "stuff" to do together for this weekend when I'm at Lina's cabin. And then their mental pictures pop up and-ugh! I don't even wanna think about that! It was terrible seeing it the first time.

It's the second to last week of summer vacation before school starts up.

As I said before, Lina invited me to her cabin for this weekend. It's just her, Mrs.Rid -Lina's mom-- and Lina's brother Nate. The lake next to her cabin is absolutely breath taking. It's so large that when you look out into the open water it's as if it's actually an ocean. There's no land on the other side. Well there is, but I'm unable to see it. The back of the cabin is towards the west. So you can watch the sunset on the lake. The sky magically turns the dull green lake water into a painting full of pinks, reds, oranges, purples, and whites. I love this part of the day, when everything just seems so calm and serene. The wind picks up and I turn to Lina.

I've always envied her golden brown hair and blue-green eyes. Her face was rounded, looking absolutely girly and childish. But it suits her. Suits this clumsy girl that I've known since fifth-grade.

"It's amazing that we're going into high school in just 2 weeks." I state. I close my eyes and let the summer wind caress my face.

"Yeah," she replies. "I remember when we were fist starting middle school. We thought things would be so scary"

I laugh at the memory. When the first day of middle school had come we tried to stick together as much as possible. Holding hands when walking in the upper class hallways; always afraid that some eighth-grader was going to stuff us if a locker or trash can."

"I'm so glad I met you Mary."

"You should be, 'cuz I'm glad I met you too"

We sit in silence for a little while longer before going inside to eat dinner.


Saturday morning just had to be bright. And of course I have to get the first rays of sunlight right on my face. I groan and walk over to the other side of the room to wake up Lina, but a sudden idea comes to me.

I closed my eyes and listened to Lina's soft breathing. A blurry image comes into my head. Slowly it becomes more and more clear until I can distinguish what the scene os. Twin's in control of the dream, but I can observe the surroundings. We're inside of a tree, it smells strongly of sap, so I'm guessing this tree was pretty big and strong. We move to find a cluster of acorns near the back of the burrow we're in. More and more acorns appear until there are about 20. Twin laughs happily and begins to hop around like the squirrel she currently is.

I bring myself back to reality. I don't even wanna know how she started to dream that.

"Wake it, or break it Lina," I poke her cheeks consistently until her eyes flutter open.

"Go away."

"If you wake up I'll make my totally awesome pancakes that are shaped like planets."

She perks up at this. "Planet shaped pancakes? How do you even do that!?"

I laugh at her childishness. "It's easy as pie. Come down stair and I'll show you."

She nods and follows me downstairs. Silly Twin planet shaped pancakes are normal shaped pancakes in disguise.


We head outside after devouring our food. It's really windy out today, but we don't mind. Even with wind you can still swim and jet-ski.

I swim out into the lake and float there for a bit, thinking about how things have changed so much in a year. Wondering how life would differ if I didn't have a messed up head; asking myself if I can completely silence the voices, if I could stop controlling people with an innocent thought. All of these questions and more swirl around my head. The air seems to help calm me.

'As always she's impatient and can't wait for others...' Lina thinks while putting the Jet Ski in the water.

And that's the last thing I hear before I'm dragged under the surface.

**Chapter 2 is up. Cherry98 this is for you, so you can finally stop re-reading chapter one. Now it's your turn to update ;) 1,000 words....holy crap. Again sorry for mistakes! I just noticed it used the title to end this chapter! How coolio! But I'm so happy about the response that I got from chapter one. Thank everyone who read it. Thanks EuphoricArrhythmia, mogil3013, Spectre (I would have never notice the mistakes, so extra thanks) Frankie-sama, and Chery98.**

Until next time,


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