"Thanks" said Nicholas


"For the tie"


"I'm going to be late. We should head downstairs"

"Yeah you go ahead I'll bring your medication with me"

"Oh something else is out of place but please don't give it away to goodwill" Nicholas said stopping midway as he was leaving the room.

"What is it?" Asked Theora.

"My heart" Nicholas smiled causing Theora's blush to intensify.

Theora calmed down her heart a bit and made sure her blush had lessened before heading downstairs. Misha had already prepared breakfast and had served it on the table. Theora handed Nicholas his medication with some water before sitting down to eat her breakfast.

"I'm planning to go furniture shopping for the living room today and might be taking Misha with me" Theora said

"Sure I'll leave Roberto behind so he can take you"

"I'm throwing out the old couches actually I've even called someone to take them to the junkyard"

"But you could give them away to someone why the junkyard?"

"Nicholas no one wants those ugly couches"

"Well of course now that they don't have cushions"

"Even with the cushions no one would take them even if they were for free"

"Misha back me up here"

"In all fairness Nicholas those couches were an eyesore" said Misha

"Fine do as you wish I'm not allowed to have a say anyway" Nicholas sighed getting up to leave "I'll probably be late today I have a lot of work backed up"

"Don't you have someone else to do it for you? Christmas is only a few days away you could get a better rest over the holiday and the doctor did tell you not to strain you arm too much"

"Unfortunately I can't Christmas is our busiest time. Speaking of which I have to leave now if I want to be fashionably late" Nicholas said looking at this watch before waving a quick goodbye and leaving.

"Shopping time!" Misha squealed once Nicholas left.

Theora had a basic idea of what she wanted the living room to look like she was going for brown more earthy tones. She looked around a few stores but couldn't find a couch set that she liked until they got to the last store and immediately she found one she loved. It wasn't more of a set rather one large long couch but the two couches at the end could be separated but Theora liked how they looked together and thought she'd place them in the living room the same way.

 It wasn't more of a set rather one large long couch but the two couches at the end could be separated but Theora liked how they looked together and thought she'd place them in the living room the same way

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In the same store she also bought a coffee table to go with the couch and then she and Misha headed to an antique store to buy some decoration pieces.

"This one looks nice" Misha said picking up a vase

"We have so much stuff Misha we can't buy all of them the living room will look tacky but you're also right it does look cute. I don't know how do I choose among all of them"

"Tell you what everything is a maybe for now when we're finished looking around we'll go through them and pick our favourites" Misha suggested

"Good idea. Thank god I brought you along"

"As Roberto says the world is lost without you Misha" joked Misha

"Misha can I ask you a question?"

"Of course"

"How do you trust someone when they've hurt you once?" The thought had been bugging her all day she needed someone's advice on this and who better than Misha. She knew to some extent the nature of their relationship.

"This is about Nicholas isn't it?"

"I... just don't know Misha. What am I supposed to feel about this sudden change in his attitude?"

"Theora have you ever noticed the tattoo on Roberto's neck slightly to side?"

"I can't say I have"

"He tries to hide it with his collar but the wings show when he isn't paying attention. It's a tattoo of an angel"

"For his angel, you"

"Well it wasn't always a tattoo of an angel at first it was a tattoo of a sword going through a skull. He covered it with the angel tattoo to symbolise me"

"Misha what are you saying that Roberto was"

"A gang member yes"

Theora's mouth hung open, Roberto seemed like such a calm collected person how did he ever get involved in a gang.

"Roberto and I grew up in the same neighbourhood and knew each other most of our lives. In high school he asked me out and we started dating. We were young but we knew it was true love" Misha smiled recalling those days but it soon faltered "but during senior year Roberto started hanging out with the wrong people soon he was a full fledged gang member. At first he hid it from me but it wasn't long before I found out and I ended it with him"

"But you still ended up together"

"A year later I was working as a maid at someone else's home and one night when I came back from work I saw Roberto waiting for me by my door. He said 'I can't go on without you Misha' and then I moved past him went into my apartment and locked the door"

"What you didn't even let him in?"

"He had hurt me and I wasn't going to forgive him that easily heck I didn't even think I would forgive him period"

"Then what happened"

"I opened the door to go to work the next day and found him sleeping at the door then found him still there when I came back and I relented a bit let him come inside and gave him something to eat. He then confessed that he didn't want this life anymore and that he had left the ganglife. I have to admit I was very cruel with him those first few days but eventually I saw that he really meant it and finally I forgave him. We both then found jobs at the Markopolous home and here we are now"

"So you tested him first?"

"Not so much as test him. I needed that time for me as I was hesitant to accept him after he hurt me. Take your time as well Theora if Nicholas truly loves you in time that love will win you over no matter what"

Theora fell silent thinking about. Maybe if she did give Nicholas some time she could learn to move on from the past.

"Theora it's almost dark we should finish up here and go home" Misha said. Theora nodded and they both headed to the cashier to think over the things they would buy then pay for them.

Love Not Included (An Arrange Marriage Story) Where stories live. Discover now