"ENGAGED" | (p.jmxreader)

47 0 0

pairing: boyxboy

type: smut/fluff

warning: sexual content

co-written by: billyache wrote the entirety of the story, i just tweaked it to make it into a boyxboy.

enjoy horny teens ;)

You and Jimin have been dating for quite a while now. You still remember when you met him, drunk, at karaoke bar, heartbroken. He saw you, approached you, and comforted you.

He even sang you a song.

It was all you'd ever dreamt of - someone who seemed as if they genuinely cared.

Today is your one year anniversary.

You go to Jimin's little apartment, right across from yours. You knock on the door, anxiously waiting for him to open. You fumble with the box in your hands, and as he opens the door, you gasp and quickly swing your hands behind your back to hide the box.

"What's that?" he asks, smirking at you, reaching behind you.

You turn your torso the opposite direction in an effort to divert his tiny, cute, baby-like grasping hands from getting a hold of the box. He starts tickling you (your weakness), and you run into his apartment.

"It's a surprise," you sing, running to and sitting in the middle of the couch, keeping your arms behind you.

Jimin walks towards you, smiling one of those eye-squinting real smiles (another weakness). He slowly puts a leg on either of your sides and sits on your lap, his thighs folded over his shins, and his bottom on the top of your thighs.

Your arms are still behind you, tightly holding the box, only loosening them when Jimin leans in and kisses you, long and sweetly.

As he does, he sneaks his hands down your arms, pulling them from behind your back. You both open your eyes, and he looks at the box.

It's a ring.

You smile sweetly at him, and he understands and smiles back, reciprocating the gesture.

"I love you," you whisper, Jimin still on your lap.

He stares at you for a moment, leans into your ear and whispers, "Show me, then."

A sinking feeling goes through your throat, and falls all throughout your core. A good, sinking feeling.

You've never slept with Jimin before. You'd never even stayed the night at his apartment. You always tried to abstain from anything like that until you got married.

He knew that and always respected it, but he was so ready.

So were you.

You nod your head at him, showing your approval.

You'd both had this planned out for a while now, dropping hints at each other that either one of you would pop the question. Jimin just knew that today would be perfect. And so did you.

He slides off of your lap, sitting the box on the couch. He takes your hand and guides you to his bedroom. Yourjaw drops to the floor, looking at the cleanliness of his once-24/7-dirty room.

"Jimin, it's so..." you attempt to say, trying to collect your jaw from the floor, as he lets out one his knee-weakening chuckles.

"Neat? Yeah, I knew today would be the day, so I cleaned for once," he smirks as he responds to you. He sits you down on the edge of his bed, getting down on his knees. Jimin slides down just the top of your pants, enough to trail his fingers over your thighs. It's subtle, but it's enough to make you shiver with pleasure. He licks his lips, looking up into your eyes.

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