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pairing: boyxboy | jeon jungkook (top) x kim taehyung (bottom)

type: smut

warning: sexual content

co-written by: BreStylesss because i felt too uncomfy writing it by myself, and i suck at writing smut, so big thank you to bre, love you big sis

she'll actually be a regular in this book, because she's so gr8

y'all when i put a song in the media, i RECOMMEND listening to this song as you read this smut. in fact i think it's NEEDED.

enjoy, horny teens ;)

Jungkook wondered why he was at the party. He was a pure man. Never even downed a drink until he turned the legal age, and even when he did, he still chose not to drink.

But he was pressured into going by his roommates, Jin and Jimin.

"As a hyung, I order you to come with us and come out of your shell a little bit!"


"No? Why not?"

"I just don't want to. It's dangerous."

"Aish, we come back safe and sound, right? So how is it dangerous?"

"I just don't want to go, hyung."

And a few minutes later, they're at the house party, already in full swing. Jungkook didn't even bother to dress nice, but attracted men and women nonetheless. He stayed close to Jin and Jimin for a while, until he lost contact with them.

And that's where the story begins.

Jungkook is at the bar, sitting there with his hands under his chin, just resting. A looming figure takes a seat next to him, and Jungkook dares to sneak a glance at him. The figure was a man with ash-grey hair. His body was adorned with a black turtleneck paired with a wool check jacket and a pair of full rim glasses sat upon his nose.

The younger male suddenly felt turned on by the man, and kept staring at him, analyzing him, doing up-downs every few seconds and glancing the opposite way, until he looked at the man again for the fifth time.

This time, the man made eye contact with him, and smiled. Jungkook immediately went to staring at the bottles laid meticulously on the wall, until he heard a low chuckle from the man.

"What are you staring at me for?" the man said. "Am I hard to not look at?"

"Actually, yeah, you are," Jungkook replied quite sassily. "It's hard to not stare at a man that dresses so proper at a house party like this."

"Mm," the man seems to respond in agreement. "Yeah, I dress to impress, just in case any hot guy is present," he says, as he bites his lip and gives Jungkook an up-down, making Jungkook blush.

"I'm Jungkook," he said, putting out his hand. "And may I ask what your name is?"

"Taehyung, but you can call me V," the man, now identified as Taehyung, says, offering his hand, and having a firm handshake.

"Why aren't you all dressed up?" Taehyung says, noticing that Jungkook only has sweats on, paired with a matching oversized sweater.

"To be honest, I just didn't want to come here," Jungkook said with a shrug.

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