"Gentiana?" His eyes widened.

"The beast will be called soon, but a darker presence is near. You must protect LunaFreya, the ring and your friends." She grabbed Noct's hands before disappearing, leaving Umbra behind.

Umbra barked in excitement at the sight of their old friend. Noct scratched behind Umbra's ear and they smiled in exchange.

"I've got to run." Noct began to run back out the door, but Umbra followed.

"Stay here! It's not safe out here." He tried to get Umbra to stay, but the stubborn dog refused.

Noct rolled his eyes and continued to sprint throughout the city to find the radio station in where he can broadcast a mass evacuation. Sentinels patrolled the streets, causing Noct to weave in and out of the streets, adding time to his journey. Finally he found the building.

For now the whole city was oblivious to the fact that it was going to be under water soon, it ran like normal, except for the extra soldiers patrolling the area. Noct sprinted passed the front desk, ignoring the man and up into the booths.

"Hey where do you think your going?" The man snapped before stepping back in disbelief. He recognised Noct's clothing and could see something no other man could. The elemental powers burning constantly at Noct's grasp, invisible to the normal naked eye.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to .. your highness." He bowed his head.

Noct stood confused. "How do you know?"

"Your hands. They burn with a strong power only a king can wield."

"But how can you see this?"

"I'm a dying breed. Born half Lucian, half Gralean.

"So we are related?"

"Possibly. It's been far to long to tell how old
I am anymore." The young looking man baffled Noctis.

Noct walked further into the booth, pressing the button that was underneath a locked flap that read "Evacuation". The piercing sound of sirens played through the speakers across the city, it was bone chilling and residual.

"You better run." Noct lifted his head and spoke to the man.

"No.. I can't just..." He began to speak.

"Go!" Noct demanded, knowing that the man would listen.

He lowered his head once more and began speaking into the microphone.

"This is not a drill. Please evacuate onto the boats. I repeat please evacuate onto the boats, this is not a drill." His voice looped over and over again, clashing and interrupting with Lady LunaFreya's speech.

Noct sprinted out the building, running toward the main central building in search of Luna. He was pushing his way through the crowd of people running against him. In his sights was a scared looking Luna, crouching up against the podium.

"Luna!" He screamed at the top of his lungs.

She heard the familiar voice and cocked her head around the corner. Noct's legs guided him towards her. Theirs hands met and they embraced each other warmly.

"Thank you for saving the people." Her calm voice whispered into Noct's ear.

"It is my duty." He replied.

They pulled away from their embrace and stood up together. Now for the Leviathan, they walked together side by side, heading for the harbour. Umbra walked out by the corner, running towards Luna.

Worthless// A Final Fantasy XV Prompto StoryWhere stories live. Discover now