Chapter Three

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 ShadedOak curled her tail over her paws, the meager sunlight of late leaf-fall dancing over her pelt. Wind whistled past her ear, heralding the appearance of a tiny paw. Flickerkit, one of Owlleaf's kits, had attempted to bat at her ear. She chuckled, cuffing the kit over the ear playfully, then pinned her down lightly.

"Good try. You'll make fine warrior yet," ShadedOak purred, letting the kit up.

Flickerkit's eyes glowed, and she dashed off to boast to her mother. ShadedOak sat back with a purr of contentment. The ShadowClan camp had everything she wished for. All of was peaceful, within the clan at least. WindClan kept coming onto their territory, which made her worry about the kits in the camp.

A cold breeze rushed down into the camp, reminding ShadedOak once again that leaf-bare was going to be here soon.

I'm glad the kits will be born here, where its safe and warm, she groomed one of her paws thoughtfully, I wonder if any of them will look like Stormrunner.

 A sharp kick made her gasp, then she chuckled softly to herself. The kits grew more restless with each day. They were due in a quarter-moon, but Leafbranch had said they were probably going to be born any day now. It had been hard for her to sleep at night, but she knew from Owlleaf it was normal.

 Not that it bothered her. It kept Nightstar from intruding on her dreams, which ShadedOak appreciated. And it dispersed her nightmares, which grew fewer the longer she had been in ShadowClan. A flicker of movement caught her eye, and she glanced up at the sky to see a flash of lightning, and then the crash of thunder.

ShadedOak quickly darted into the nursery as rain suddenly poured down, cold and wet. Owlleaf had already gathered her kits up and they were sheltering in the warm nursey, away from the cold wetness of rain.

"Brrr, that rain is cold!" She gasped, safely in the warmth of the den, but her pelt was soaked. She shook out her pelt as Owlleaf laughed.

"I thought you liked water!" The queen chuckled, laughing.

"Not when it's cold!" ShadedOak exclaimed, a cross look on her face as she sat down. "You're as bad as my brother. He was merciless in teasing me about that. In fact, his favorite way to wake me up was with cold water."

The light-brown she-cat laughed, an evil grin on her face, "Now I know how to wake you up if won't get up."

"Don't you dare! Or I swear you will get it!" ShadedOak flashed back at her. Her next reply was cut off with a gasp as pain rippled across her flank. Pain flashed in her eyes, and Owlleaf shooed her kits to the other side of the den.

"The kits must be coming! I'll go get Leafbranch," The queen disappeared out of the den, reappearing after a few heartbeats with Leafbranch right behind her, a bundle of herbs and a stick in his jaws.

He set the items down, and ran his paws over her flank, "They're early, but I expected that with you. Try to take deep breaths."

 A small voice spoke behind him, "Can I help?" It was Flickerkit, her violet eyes bright with interest. 

"Oh! You can watch, but that's it for now," He turned his attention back to ShadedOak, who had made a visible effort to slow her panting. 

Owlleaf sat near ShadedOak's head, rasping her tongue over her ear in comfort, "You won't even remember the pain when it's over, your kits will be beautiful and strong, so you don't have to worry." Her voice was soft and comforting. 

A familiar scent touched her nose, and she closed her eyes for a heartbeat, thinking she was dreaming. She could smell Stormrunner's scent, and feel his warmth and comfort. It almost made her forget she was having his kits, but another jolt of pain brought her back to the present.

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