Chapter Ten

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ShadedOak curled around her newborn kits, happy. Since she had had kits before, she knew what to do. Redleaf, the DuskClan medicine cat, sat back with a satisfied expression on his face.

"Four healthy kits!" He purred. "I love bringing kits into the world, it means new life for my clan."

"Can we come in?" Nettlesun poked his head in, Bluespark behind him.

"Yes, we're done," Redleaf stepped out of the den, letting Nettlesun and Bluespark in.

"They're so cute!" Her daughter purred. "I can't believe I was ever that small."

"A mother's kits are always perfect, no matter the flaws," ShadedOak murmured. Her gaze fell on the kit that looked like Blackshade. "And I will love them forever."

"Those kits are in the safest place to be born," Nettlesun leaned down to lick one gently. He gazed into the queen's eyes, "What do you think their father would think of them?"

She sniffed, "I don't care what he thinks, just as long as he stays away from them. Besides, a cat like that doesn't deserve to know such beautiful kits."

Bluespark looked quizzically at her mother, "Who is the father anyways?"

She narrowed her eyes, "A cat that doesn't deserve them."

"Ok, then," Bluespark dropped the subject, "What are you going to name them?"

ShadedOak closed her eyes for a moment, thinking. "I was thinking Willowkit for the silver one."

"What about Redkit for the ginger one?" Nettlesun asked. "And maybe Nightkit for that one," He nosed Blackshade's mini.

"Perfect," The queen murmured. "Any ideas for the youngest?"

"Hmm... what about Pinekit? For Pineblaze, one of your friends in ShadowClan," Bluespark offered.

"That sounds nice," Her mother purred, "Now they all have names."

I hope no one in the clan suspects...Her gaze flicked over to Nightkit, he looks exactly like his father. Cats could start to make the connection.

Nettlesun purred softly, "I can't wait until they open their eyes. It's always fascinating to see what color they are." He cast a warm look at ShadedOak. "I'll go get you some prey, you must be hungry."

He slid silently out of the den, leaving Bluespark with her mother. "Clearly, Nettle knows who the father of these kits is."

"And he isn't going to tell anyone who would be a danger if they knew," Her mother countered calmly. "Besides, I don't think you're ready to know, you can figure it out. You'll find out soon enough at the Gathering tomorrow."

The blue-gray and white she-cat flicked her tail, shooting an annoyed look at her mother, then sighed, "Well, from the looks of it, you don't like talking about him. At least tell me how I'll know who it is."

Her mother's ice-blue eyes glinted, and she answered, "You'll know, because he looks like your brother," She nudged Nightkit gently. "That's all I'm willing to tell you."

Nettlesun poked his head in the den, a plump vole in his jaws. He set it down beside the queen, "There you go. You're favorite." He paused, glancing out the entrance for a heartbeat, "Is Honeystar allowed to come in and see the kits?"

"Of course," ShadedOak laughed, "But after that, let me sleep." She flicked her tail at Nettlesun, amused.

Nettlesun beckoned Bluespark out of the den, letting Honeystar in. Her eyes lit up when she saw the kits.

"Aww...their adorable!" She purred, then shook out her pelt, "Sorry, I can't help it. Kits are just so cute!"

The small warrior chuckled, amused, "Hey, no worries. I had the same reaction the first time I saw newborn kits," Then she added, "not when I had my first litter though."

"Anyways, what do you think about having Twigstem stepping in while you're in the nursery?" She asked.

"Twigstem is a fine warrior, he'll do fine," ShadedOak commented. "Thank you for being so kind to me after I sprung the kits thing on you." She flicked one of her ears guiltily.

"It's fine, relax," Honeystar assured her, "I had been wondering when you would tell me anyways. Now rest and eat, you need it."

Bluespark followed Honeystar out of the camp, her clanmates clustered around her. Nettlesun was right behind her, keeping pace. The stars and moon shone above them, lighting the way to the Gathering. Moving quickly through the forest, they reached the clearing.

Tasting the air, she noticed IceClan was here this time. The last time she had been to a Gathering they hadn't been there. ShadeClan was also there. Emerging into the clearing, she found herself searching. Searching for the father of her new brothers and sisters.

Just as the yowl announcing the Gathering was starting, she found herself staring into the yellow eyes of Blackshade, the ShadeClan deputy. She gasped, this must be their father. He tipped his head at her, confused. Turning away, she went and sat down beside Nettlesun, curling her tail over her paws.

Gorsestar stepped forward, head held high, "IceClan has been doing well, despite the coming cold season. Things have been peaceful for the most part." He stepped back and let Honeystar announced her news.

Bluespark turned to Nettlesun, muttering, "I wonder what that look was for? He must be hiding something."

"Well, it's not for DuskClan to know, but I am curious as well. Now listen to Honeystar," He curled his tail back over his paws, turning his attention to his leader.

The cream and white she-cat stepped forward, eyes gleaming, "Yesterday our deputy, ShadedOak, gave birth to four healthy kits. Twigstem will be taking the place of deputy until she is out of the nursery."

Nettlesun raised his head proudly, as if they were his own. Blackshade stared in shock at him, a little surprised. Then the tan tom narrowed his eyes at the ShadeClan deputy, a hard look in his gaze. He growled, glaring at him. The black tom looked away, shocked by the force of Nettle's glare.

Acornstar stepped forward, her gaze flicking over the cats in the crowd. Then she announced her news, "ShadeClan has been doing well, and we are still able to find plenty of prey. We will be prepared when the cold weather comes."

Once she had finished her news, the clans began to share news among themselves. Blackshade padded over to Nettlesun and Bluespark, a little nervous.

"How are ShadedOak's kits?" He asked tentatively.

Nettlesun growled at him, eyes cold, "That's not for you know. Do you even have any idea how much you hurt her?" His voice was soft, but menacing. "Those kits are never going to know about you, and who you are." The tom turned away, lashing his tail.

"Umm...I'm going to leave him alone," He glanced over at the blue-gray and white she-cat, perhaps hoping she would be less hostile.

Bluespark narrowed her eyes, looking over at him, "Don't expect me to forgive any time soon you for hurting my mother the way you did. But I will answer your question. My brothers and sisters are doing fine."

"Thank you," He flicked his ears, "I'm sure they'll be strong when they grow up. Their mother, your mother, is a strong cat." He turned away and walked away.

Bluespark shrugged, then padded towards her clanmates as they left. She flicked her tail, thinking.

At least he knows not to be too obvious he's the kits father. She sighed, catching up with Nettlesun. I just hope he can learn from what he did.


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