Chapter Twenty-Four

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Shadedstar padded through the forest, scenting rain. Which worked perfectly, because it would hide the scents of the ShadeClan warriors, who were following silently. Soon, her camp came into view, and she neared the entrance.

"I'm here to see Raven," She told the guards, completely calm and composed, "I'm sure you know what will happen."

"Of course! The whole camp knows it," One of them laughed, "It'll be good entertainment." He stepped aside, letting her step into the camp.

She felt a sharp kick, and she winced, it will be alright kits. The clan will be safe for you, little ones.

The rogues took no notice of it, walking behind her, following the DuskClan leader into the camp. She glanced around, notice the clan was gathered, Raven waiting patiently in the center of them. They were all painfully thin and looked starving.

Shadedstar narrowed her eyes, "Why have you been starving them? Surely you would want to earn their trust by being kind."

"But then it wouldn't fun," Raven stood up, padding forward to meet her. She met Nettlesun's terrified eyes with a determined look, I'll be fine, it said.

She yawned, "I'm sure Nightstar would think the same, that is, if she were still around," There was a dangerous glint in her eyes.

The black tom stalked around her, amused, as if hiding something, "I had heard she had been killed again. I wouldn't wonder if it was you. After all, you are the only with the skill to do so."

The dappled tabby grinned maliciously, "Yes, it was me who killed Nightstar. Besides," She shrugged, "She knew death was coming for her anyways."

She flicked a drop of rain off her ear as a few drops began to fall. Raven snorted, "Enough talk," He bared his teeth, "Let's begin."

Flurrypaw watched from up in a tree, glancing down at the ground nervously. Even though Shadedstar had trained several warriors in being up in the trees, it still made her nervous being up so high. She shook out her pelt, keeping a careful watch on Shadedstar, who was being circled by Raven.

Blackstar, her mentor, was crouched beside her, eyes fixed on his friend worriedly, "Do you think she'll be ok?" He whispered, voice plainly worried.

"You know her well enough, don't you?" Flurrypaw sighed, exasperated she had to reassure her mentor, "She'll be fine. She's fighting for her kits as well, don't forget that either."

"Sorry...I'm just so worried. She's expecting kits and still she does this," The ShadeClan leader curled his claws into the bark, "If Raven hurts her, I swear I'll hurt him and send him to the Dark Forest."

The brown apprentice chuckled, "Oh, she'll send him to the Dark Forest herself, I guarantee you that. I already heard her story of how she defeated Nightstar, so I think she'll do fine."

Blackstar sighed, finally falling silent. Then the two cats watched Shadedstar and Raven fight, faces grave and worried. Shadedstar leaped, ice blue eyes narrowed as she and Raven clashed furiously. All cats watching were silent, all except for the rain pounding down.

A flash of movement caught her eye, and Flurrypaw's green eyes narrowed. A flicker of dark brown fur was stalking towards the Shadedstar, getting ready to pounce. Flurrypaw bunched her muscles, ready to stop the cat from interfering. Before Blackstar could stop her, she launched herself out of the tree, bowling the cat over.

"Oh no you don't!" She hissed, green eyes flashing. The cat was young, probably around her age. His deep green eyes were amused.

"Do you really think you can stop me?" He laughed coldly, "You're just a clan cat, weak and useless."

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