Chapter Twenty-Two

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As she spoke, she leaped down and slammed into the nearest rogue, Raven staring in shock. Most of the rogues were shocked, giving her kits time to get out of their grasp.

"Into the trees!" She hissed at them, finding a sturdy branch to jump onto, yet she was viewable. When her kits were safely in a tree, she yowled down at Raven, "This is not the last you'll see of me!" Nettlesun gazed up at her, relieved she was safe, for now.

As for Raven, he was furious, "After them!" He snarled as they disappeared. Glaring at Nettlesun, he hissed softly, "For what they did, you could lose your life. But lucky for you I still need a bargaining chip."

The tan tom curled his lip, "You could kill me for all I care. My mate and kits are safe, that's all I care about."

"One more word out of your mouth and I'll silence you," The black tom growled, and Nettlesun stopped talking, but his eyes were cold.

Shadedstar moved quickly through the trees, leading her kits toward the ShadeClan border. Glancing down and not seeing any rogues, she leaped down. But several rogues materialized out of the undergrowth, surrounding her.

"There you are, slippery, aren't you?" One of them chuckled menacingly, her deep-green eyes flashing.

"Mother!" Willowblaze hissed softly, about to jump down.

"Stay up there! I am not having you get hurt," The dappled-tabby answered, never pulling her eyes from the rogues. Her eyes narrowed, voice sly, "Let's have some fun, shall we?" She lunged at the brown she-cat with outstretched claws.

"Vine! Over here!" One of them hissed, trying to distract Shadedstar, but had no luck.

Lucky for Vine, she was fast, and managed to dodge. The dappled-tabby ducked underneath one who had lunged at her, letting him land heavily, missing her by a whisker.

But they were stronger than she had anticipated, and faster as well. A gray tabby lunged, bowling her over and pinning her down. His amber eyes gleamed with triumph. Shadedstar's ice-blue eyes flashed, refusing to show any fear.

A fearsome yowl sounded from somewhere behind Shadedstar, but before the tom was knocked away, he bit down on her throat.

"Get away from her!" Pinestorm's voice hissed, just before she fell into darkness.

Shadedstar groaned slightly, opening her eyes to a green clearing, blinking to clear her vision. Willowfrost and Nightclaw were sitting on either side of her, eyes gentle.

"Mother? Father?" The dappled-tabby blinked, confused for a moment, and understanding glimmered in her eyes, "Did I lose a life?"

"Yes," Her father confirmed, "Your first."

Shadedstar suddenly remembered about her kits, "My kits, are they safe?"

Willowfrost set her tail around her daughter's shoulders, "They are fine, my dear. Some of your friends helped them get to safety."

The small warrior blinked, "Friends?" Her eyes were confused, "Oh. Vixenflame and Blackstar."

"Now go back to your kits, they need you," Her mother murmured as darkness settled over her vision.

"Are sure she'll be ok?" Willowblaze's voice came to her.

An exasperated and annoyed one answered her, "She has nine lives, doesn't she? She'll be fine."

"Would you two stop worrying?" Shadedstar muttered, with a slight hiss as pain shot through her paw when she sat up.

"Mother! Thank StarClan!" Nightshade purred, eyes lighting up with relief.

"Where are we anyways?" She blinked, eyes adjusting to the gloom of wherever she was.

"Is she awake yet?" Blackstar poked his head in the den, then seeing her sitting up, entered, "You're in the ShadeClan camp. The medicine den at least."

The dappled-tabby chuckled, voice slightly hoarse, "How much have my kits been pestering you?"

"Me, not much," The tom answered, amused, "But poor Ashenpelt has had to deal with them since dawn."

Shadedstar winced as she shifted to lay down in a more comfortable position, "How long have I been out anyways?"

"Since dawn. It's sun-high now," The medicine cat answered, "You woke up for a few seconds, then fell asleep."

"Wow," Her eyes were slightly shocked, "I don't even remember waking up at all, or sleeping for that matter."

A brown apprentice poked her head around Blackstar, green eyes curious, "Who is she?" She asked her leader.

He laughed, "Didn't I tell you earlier, Flurrypaw?"

Flurrypaw's eyes glinted mischeiviously, "Maybe. Or maybe I'm just asking you again because I can," Before he could speak again, she continued, "Her name is Shadedstar, and she's DuskClan's leader."

Blackstar shook his head, faintly amused, "Excuse my apprentice, she is very much a troublemaker. I often have to check my nest for fire ants or pine needles to be sure it's safe to lie down."

The dappled-tabby laughed, amused, "She sounds like a pawful to handle."

"Can you show these four where to get some food please? I'd like to speak to Shadedstar in private," He asked Flurrypaw, who nodded and led the four DuskClan warrior's out of the den.

His tone turned worried, eyes glittering with seriousness now, "Why was there rogues attacking you? I asked your kits but they weren't going to explain anything to me."

The small warrior's eyes darkened, "Raven has taken over my clan. He nearly killed my kits as well."

The black tabby frowned, "Raven?"

"Someone from back at SkyClan. I thought he was being held by the group there, but apparently he escaped and joined another," Shadedstar explained.

Ashenpelt's eyes were worried, "That certainly isn't good for any of the Clans."

"Hmmm...I'll send word to Gorsestar about this. He will want to be on his guard if this rogue is as powerful and ruthless as you think," Blackstar stood up and padded out of the den.

Shadedstar sighed, worry flickering in her eyes, "Thank you for letting me stay here and recover, Ashenpelt."

"Of course, when I saw what state you were in, I couldn't turn you down," The medicine cat answered kindly. As if just realizing how hungry she was, Shadedstar's stomach growled, making Ashenpelt chuckle, "You can go out and join your kits to eat if you like. Just be careful on that paw, you sprained it."

"Thanks," Shadedstar purred softly, standing up, gingerly putting weight on her paw, then limped out of the den to join her kits. As she exited the den, she jumped back in surprise as Flurrypaw leaped in front of her.

"Hi!" The brown apprentice bounced around her, "I hope you're feeling better!"

"Flurrypaw! Stop bothering her, please," Vixenflame padded up, looking exasperated. Shooing the apprentice away, she apologized, "I'm so sorry for that, she is very, very crazy most of the time. And exhaustingly energetic, all the time for StarClan's sake!"

The dappled-tabby laughed, "It's perfectly fine. Bluespark was a lot like that when she was a kit." Vixenflame joined her as she sat down beside her kits, setting a vole down between her paws.

"How were things in SkyClan?" Vixenflame asked.

Shadedstar was surprised, "Blackstar told you that was where I went?"

"Yes, he told me after the Gathering," The she-cat confirmed.

The small warrior purred softly, "I got to see my brother again once Thorn and Falconstar were dealt with," she smiled, "I'm glad SkyClan is safe now."

"I'm not going to question what 'dealt with' meant," Vixenflame flicked her ears, "But it's always good to be reunited with kin."

"I agree, it's a good feeling," Shadedstar murmured, "I helped rid one clan of evil, now to free another."

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