Chapter 21

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(Picture of our newest character)

Callie's POV

Me and Triston sit down on Corey's love seat. He apparently had something important to tell us.

"So.... What's up?" I ask, feeling a bit uncomfortable. Corey kept silent and poured a cup of lemonade for all of us.

"Well, uh, i've been thinking about going back to high school and finishing my senior year." He scratches the back of his neck.

I was shocked at first, but when I processed what he had said, I squealed and jumped into his arms

"Oh my god! I'm happy for you! But imma warn you, school sucks, they give us more homework than nessicary!" Corey opens his mouth to say something, but I beat him to it.
"Also, what school did you apply to?"

"That's the best part! I applyed to Your school! Montebello High School right?" Triston butts in.

"Yes! That's the school we go to." He attempts to lean against the wall but fails miserably and falls to the ground. I turn my head so I didn't laugh.

"Are you okay?" Corey asks, a smile on his face. Triston looks up at him. When Corey held his hand out for Triston, he wasted no time in grabbing it. He held it for longer than nessicary. I started making up ship names in my head as they gazed into eachothers eyes. Torey,(tori) Criston(christian), or Tristy! 

"Well love birds, I must be on my way, I have a date with Trey later tonight!" I lied.

"Bye" they both say, completely love-struck.

I jump into the pink car and race down to Walmart.  As I was walking backwards trying to lock the car, I bump into someone. I turn to meet his hazel almost green eyes.

"Sorry!" I say fumbling to get the car locked.

"No worries," oh god he has a british accent! I'm gonna die! "Do you need help? These cars are tricky." He tilts his head to the side.

"Yeah, do you own one of these cars?" I ask. He points over in the distance. I look and see a car just like mine, but blue. "Nice," I whisper under my breath.

"Well, thanks! And sorry again, about, running into you." I go to walk away.

"Wait! Can I get your name, and your number?" I raise my eyebrow.

"I should tell you i have a boyfriend." He just smiles.

"I guessed, you're to beautiful to not have one." I blush slightly.

"Callie. My name is Callie, and you?"

"I'm Noah." I walk back over to him.

"So no strings attached, can we hang out later? You could even bring your friends and boyfriend." I think about it for a minute.

"Okay, can I see your phone?" He digs in his pocket and hands me his phone. I type my number in it and saved my name as, Callie😉.

"See ya later Callie!" Noah waves as I walk into the store giving him a small wave back.

After hours of shopping later, I finally collected enough food to last us a month, two weeks if Triston come back.

I stop by the pet aisle and picked up dog food, treats, and toys for Apollo.

The lady at the check out gave me a terrified look when she saw all that I got. I just shrugged.

After it all went into two carts another girl who work as there offered to help me, which I gladely accepted.

"Thank you," I sigh as we finished packing it all in the car.

"Welcome!" She chirped. After I caught my breath, I need to work out more, I introduced myself.

"I'm Callie."


"What time do you get out of work, I could really use more female friends. Most of them are on vacation." Her eyes light up.

"I guess I could use some friends too. And I get off..." She looks at her watch "... In five minutes."

"Perfect! I'll wait out here for you, then we cab find a place to hang out." She nods her head and rushes back inside.

When it passed five minutes, I walk up to the glass and peer in. I saw her surrounded by a few other girls, who were wearing clothes tight enough to be a second skin. Harper had her head hanging. I quietly walk in and listen to there conversation.

"No one is waiting for you, they left just like your parents!" One of the girls sneer. "Who would want to even be near you!"  I walk over to them.

"Hey Harper, I was wondering what was taking so long, I've been waiting for a while." I force my self to look at the Barbies. "Oh hello, sorry to cut this conversation short, but me and my best friend must be going."

I stop right before leaving the store. "You guys might need to see a doctor."

"Why?" Her high-pitched voice asks angrily.

"I think you guys caught the slut disease, whoops my bad, you were born with it."  It was starting to get dark.

"Do you just want to hang out at my place?" I ask "we have a movie theater and bowling alley." I wiggle my eyebrows.

"Uhh...YES!" She screams. We both get into my car and head to my place.

"Welcome to me casa" I say and struggle unlock the front door. Mine and Harper's arms were full of food.

"I'm home!" I scream. "Sorry I'm loud." I state.

"Don't worry so am I."

We set them down in the kitchen.

"We brought them in, you guys pit them up!" I yell up to the boys who were probably playing video games.

"Who are you talking to?" Harper asks with a confused look on her face.

"Oh yeah, I have a few roommates and a boyfriend who live here." I walk over to the end of the staircase. "I brought a friend!" I scream.

A lot of thuds were heard. Trey was the first out.

"It better not be male!" He looks down and sees Harper

"Nope, female,"

"I'm guessing he's the boyfriend." Harper whispers.


Soon Josh, Andrew, and Carter walk out.

She soon starts to stare down Andrew.

"He's single." I whisper her face heats up.

"Wha- I wasnt- I didn't." I smirk as she stumbles with her words.

"You've been caught." I look back at the boys.

"Guys meet Harper. Harper meet Trey, Carter, josh, and Andrew." I here Apollo's nails hitting the ground. "Here comes the most handsome man of all." Apollo rushes down the stairs to greet me and the new comer.

"Meet Apollo!"

After introductions we watch movies, bowl, then pass out in my room. The last thing I remember is hearing Trey say something along the lines of...
"She should know the truth!" Before blacking out.

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