Chapter 8

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My eyes flutter open as I take in my surroundings. I was still a bit tired, but I at least knew what or who I was cuddling with. I lay my head back down and turn over to have my face an inch apart from Trey's. I look up into his closed eyes as I close mine as well.

Priya's POV

Every since I met Ryder, he made me feel different. Especially when I was near him. I am downstairs watching the walking dead. I don't know why but I always thought Carl was cute, until I met Ryder. He changed so much about me.

I sprawl out on the couch. I stayed up all night, terrified some clown would come and eat me. Since the sun was out, it was almost impossible to sleep. I hear footsteps approach my area. My heart beat races. Pennywise don't kill me! I think to myself.

Instead I was scooped up into someone's arms. Without opening them I felt the whole zoo having a party inside of me. I knew it had to be Ryder. I continue to pretend sleep. He brings me Into a room and closes the blinds to make it almost pitch black. I peak open my eyes. Ryder sat in a chair next to the bed reading a book called Where The Red Fern Grows.

"Hey" he says quietly.

"Hi". I lay my head back down and curl up under the covers.

"How late did you stay up?" He asks

"I never fell asleep"

"Then you defiantly need to get some rest."

"Ok, night!"

"Goodnight". I try my best to sleep but I kept tossing and turning.

I feel the bed dip down one the opposite side of me. I look over to see Ryder laying there just looking at me.


"Just wanted to help you sleep." I smile as a blush creeps up on me.

"Thank you".

I lay back down and close my eyes hoping to get some sleep in. Finally I manage to fall asleep. But before I drift away I felt something brush against my cheek.

Callie's POV

An alarm wakes me up as I throw it across the room.

"Not a morning person I see". Trey's husky morning voice says.

"Nope, now let me sleep!"
I groan

"It's 10 am get your ass up or else"

"Or else...what?!"

Trey unexpectedly picks me up and flings me over his shoulder.

"What the hell!! Put me down!" I scream.

"I warned you, now face the consequences!" He brings me outside, the cold air hits me as I shiver. I was then flying in the air, only to fall into the pool.

"!!" I yell through clenched teeth

"It is below 30° and you throw me into the damn pool!"


I get out and run upstairs to Carter's room to get my clothes. I only saw Catherine and Johana. Where is Priya? I ask myself. I grab a new pair of clothes and a small blanket, then head back downstairs.

"Asshole" I mumble as I pass by Trey.

"Are you still mad at me?" Trey asks. It's been over 2 hours since the inccedint and I still feel angry towards Trey. I haven't talked to him once. Unfortunately, he won't shut up. A minute ago he was talking about the spice girls.

I turn my head to the opposite direction to answer his question.

"I said I'm sorry" he whines. He places a kiss on my temple as I fight back a smile.

"What if I took you to the beach? Just you and me." My eyes glimmer.

"And Apollo?"

"Sure, if it'll make you happy again".

"Yay, imma go get ready now!" I jump off the couch and put on my bikini I place a huge shirt over it. I grab two towels for me and Apollo, then I grab Apollo's leash and collar.

"Lets go!" I say to Trey as we walk out the front door.

We hop into a black Raptor truck and Apollo sits in the back.

We arrive at the beach within twenty minutes. I get out and help Apollo down.

"Lets go get a spot" Trey says walking with me into the beach.

Once we settle, I release Apollo from his leash and watch him splash around in the ocean. Trey takes his shirt off and multiple other girls look his way. I scowl but then take mine off as well.

"Shall we?" He asks holding out his hand.

I take it and we run over to where Apollo is chasing a fish.

I swim into the deeper waters. I look around but Trey was nowhere in sight. I was suddenly pulled under, where I inhaled the oceans water. I resurface and cough It all up. Trey swims next to me.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry!" He says rubbing my back.

"It's okay". I splur.

"If it makes you feel better," he pauses to pull something out of his pocket. "I found a few sand dollars". He had three sand dollars in his hand. I accept and take them back ashore.

When I started getting tired I lay in the sun getting a tan as Trey kept swimming and playing with Apollo.

When I go to look for them I couldn't find them. Even Apollo was gone this time. I whistle for Apollo but he didn't come running over. I look around the beach and couldn't see there familiar faces. I look out at the ocean. No where in sight.

I again call for Apollo. I start to yell for Trey. I felt as of I were about to have a panic attack any moment now. I walk all over the beach until I came up to a building I turn the corner and what I saw horrified me.

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