Partners for the Night

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"Three different authors. Three different partners. Three different stories. Stories of Prom Night"

Part 1:

Beautiful faces everywhere.

It made her feel insecure,

But she shrugged it off and went on,

Into the huge convention hall and she met him.

He held her hand as they danced

He led her to their table

He sat beside her

He was her partner for that night

He was awkward, she was too

He wore a suit that stood out

He was dashing & charming

He was her partner for that night

He talked to her

He looked at her

He was wary around her

He was her partner for that night

He was her partner that night

But he wasn't the 'he' that she was looking for

Call it rude but he just wasn't the guy

He just wasn't 'him'

'He' was across the room

'He' wore a suit that suited him

'He' was sitting across someone else.

'His' partner for that night

'He' looked at 'her' from across the room

'He' had 'her' in 'his' mind

'He' went to 'her'

'He' held out his hand

'She' accepted the offer

'She' held 'his' hand

'She' danced with 'him'

'She' was 'his' partner that night

He left her

He did not spare a glance

He went on to his friends

He left her for that night

He was no longer her partner for that night.

'He' was 'her' partner for that night.

'He' was never her partner that night

She didn't look for him

She just looked at "them"

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