☾ Thirty-Seven ☽

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"Guys I'm leaving soon don't you want to say goodbye." I rub my eyes before seeing Tae was already putting on some clothes.
"Babe." I reach for his hand. Trying to grab it before he pulls it away.
"Hurry up." He smiles at me trying to lift me off the bed.
We both put on clothes walking down the stairs together hand in hand.

"You guys are so cute." She smiles at us holding her last bag.
"Mom stop." Tae whined which I felt so cute I squeezed his hand so that he couldn't let go. Even tho he tried.
"Okay I'll stop.....but I will miss you guys." She walks over bringing us into a hug.
"I love you guys."
"Love you to mom." We pull away from the hug as we just stood there for a little bit before she had to leave.
"Walk me to the car?" She walks over to the door smiling even tho she is leaving her only child behind.
"Of course." Me and Tae answer, she opened the door. 
We all walked down to the car feeling the cold air brush up against my bare arms. I held onto Tae who felt warm walking over to the car.

"I will miss you guys so much." He rests her hand on my head letting a small smile escape her lips before turning to a frown as she faces Tae.
"I will miss you Tae." He lets go of my to hug his mother leaving me in the cold wind.
"I will to mom." They hug for a couple seconds before Tae grabs onto my arm again knowing I was cold.

We stood back as Ms. Kim got in her car throwing her last bag in the back seat. She waved at us starting the car putting it in dive. She kept her smile even though we all knew she wasn't happy leaving. She rolled down her window to say something.

"Jungkook. I just need to tell you that the man from the orphanage is coming tomorrow to get you. I am sorry I have no say in anything. I wish I did." She rolled her window back up quickly.
I let go of Tae's arm walking away, back to the house as she pulled out of the driveway.

"Kookie." I hear Tae yell from the driveway running up behind me.
"Go away." I yell walking into the house and up to my bedroom.
I lock the door behind me sitting down at the edge of the bed, I was trying to hold back tears but I knew I would never be able to.

"Jungkook listen to me....I wont let him take you I promise I also promised you that I would never leave so I'm keeping that promise." He knocks on my door but the knocks as light.
"How?" I ask the door knob jiggles as Tae tries to open it.
"Open the door please." I stand up slowly walking over to the door unlocking it then walking back over to the bed.
Tae opens the door walking straight over to me.
"I will talk to him don't worry. If you really don't want to go then he can't force you into anything. It will work." He sat down next to me putting his arm over my shoulder rubbing circles on my back.

"C-can we watch a m-movie." I felt weird asking and I grew shy for some strange reason.
"Oh course but how about we go on a date." He looks at me with a small smile.
"Where will we go." I look up at him but it already looks like he was planning something.
"I will call the cab." He stands up running down the stairs to get his phone which makes me giggle.

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I have no idea where we are going but I trust Tae that he will choose well. we got into the cab for what seemed like a long drive but we eventually made it. I look out my window to see the ocean with the sand getting abused by the waves crashing down onto them. I look out the window seeing the view which seemed like the first time. Tae rested his hand on my thigh looking over to me with loving eyes.
We drive a bit more but not leaving the oceans side. We drive into a little cute town which seemed to look old and modern which was really cute. The driver stops in front of a little building which was tall and had a cute pink banner which said 'Bakery'  Tae opens the door grabbing onto my hand.

We got out of the car walking over to the building. Once we walked in we got hit with a smell of food which made me feel warm inside.
"What do you want baby?" He holds tight on my hand as we walk over to the glass which displayed cookies and little cakes and pies that all looked really good. I turn my head to see a little machine which said 'Frozen yogurt.' I pull on his arm to point over to the machine looking back to him with a smile. 
I walked over to see the flavors Tae quickly following behind me still grabbing onto my hand. We both grabbed a bowl which was a cute pastel blue color. I walk over to see the flavors again when one caught my eye.

"Blue berry swirl." I said aloud looking over at Tae who was looking at another flavor.
"You should get it. It sounds like something you would get." He made me blush and I took his advice.

We each get out yogurt and walk over to the counter. Tae paid like he usually did and we sat down at a cute small table. My frozen yogurt was a cool dark blue and light blue swirl and tasted just like real blue berries. While Tae got strawberry which was a light pink but had real strawberries in it.

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We ate and talked for an hour before finishing everything.
"What now." I look at him as we leave the bakery.
"Oh I have an idea." He started walking me away from the bakery and down all the buildings we stopped every once in a while to look in the windows as the displays yet one caught my eye the most.

"T-Tae." I stutter pulling on his sweatshirt to stop him.
"Yes Kookie." He turns to the window to see diamonds of all colors surrounding the display floor with fluff everywhere. In the middle was a pink silk pillow which had a black box. In the black box was the most beautiful ring which had diamonds on it.
"Isn't it pretty." I ask looking over to Tae pointing at the display.
"Yes it is." He smiles down at me and we continued out walk.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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