020 - skating

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We manage to skate over to the floor without falling.
"Wow, we made it!" I say as we reach the edge of the wooden floor and the carpeting.
I reach one foot out onto the glossy-polished floor. He gets one of his feet stable on the wood floor and then he grabs my hand so we can both get our other foot on.
And of course, we fell. Again.
"Okay, is this gonna keep happening?!" Wyatt says laughing.
I raise my eyebrows with a smile laughing.
Some older couple help us up and we awkwardly thank them.
"Okay, now don't make me fall!" Wyatt says with a serious face.
"I'll try." I say smiling
He reaches for my hand and I grasp on tight so I won't fall.
"So, how do we even skate?" I say
"Ummmmm... I don't know." He says
"Okay then." I say.
I start to glide on the wheels slowly. Ending up pulling him with.
"Come onnnnn! You need to actually try!"
"I know! I'm trying!"
I can tell he's struggling.
"Do you want me to get you one of those kiddie things?"
"No. I'm fine."
"Okayyy" i say looking at him smiling.
We skate for a while- very slowly.
"Hey! I think I got this!" He says. I can't tell if he was serious or as a joke. But whatever- if he says.
So I let go of his hand.
"You said you 'got this'!" I say smiling and going away.
"NO WAIT! COME BACK!" He yells from behind me.
"Ughhhh" I stop skating so he can catch up.
We continue skating, holding onto each other.
"Doing good!" Sophia says smiling giving us a thumbs up.
Jaeden looks back at me smiling evily.
I roll my eyes at him as he zOoMs past.
Our skating eventually turns to us trying to walk/ skate.
"HEY GUYS, WANNA COME EAT SOMETHING?!" Chosen shout-said from the tables.
"SURE. COMING!" Wyatt yelled back.
We walk-skated to the edge of the floor.
He managed to reach the bench but I fell.
"God, you can not stand on your own once?!" I hear a voice say, picking me up off the ground. I turn around to see Jaeden.
"Thanks!" I say, going over to take off my skates.
I sit down taking my skates off. I look up and something about Wyatt or his movements or expressions- I don't know what- just seems... I don't know- depressed?
"Hey, you alright?" I say to Wyatt.
"What? Yeah, everything's fine."
"Okay" i say, getting off my other skate.
I join everyone at the table.
We all share soft pretzels and slushees.
"We should all hang out tonight" Chosen said after a sip
"YEAHHHHH!" Sophia says really loudly- quite startling actually.
"Sleepover?" Jeremy says quietly in the corner of the booth-table.
"Yeah, at Hazel's house" Jaeden says
"What? Why at my house?"
"Because, you're the only person who's house we haven't had a sleepover at and you're new. Plus when are we gonna all be in your state next altogether?" He continued.
"Wait, we're actually gonna be friends after you guys all leave?" I ask. I'm actually kinda serious about it though. Like I just met these guys maybe like a month ago and they're all famous and have busy lives and all- well mostly all livd far away from me.
"Of course we're all gonna be friends with you!" Sophia says, hugging me.
"Thanks." I say hugging her back.
"Awww" Jaeden says, joining in the hug.
Then everyone joins in.
"Okay. ...guys. I think we can stop now." I say, trying to brush everyone surrounding me off.
"Hey... buddies. We're gonna be closing in like 2 minutes. Mind if you guys could. Like. Get out." Says some worker-dude.
"Yeah, sure will Buddy" Wyatt says. Everyone laughing after the guy leaves.
"HAhAh! -bUdDiEs" I say
"Yeah what the hell. We are like the same age as him." Jeremy says
"We should probably leave though" Sophia says
"Yeah probably" Chosen say
"Yeah, let's go to Hazel's house now!" Jaeden says.

(time skip to getting to Hazel's house)

I open the door and Layla and Jack are sitting at the kitchen table-in the dark.
"UMMM WHAT THE HELL?!" I yell surprised and quite scared to see people in my home in the dark.
"Oh yeah, we forgot to tell you. -we invited everyone else." Jaeden said behind me.
"Yeahhh... sorry."
"You fucking jerk! It's a mess!" I say slapping him in the chest.
"Oh, it's no problem I kinda picked up." Layla says -still in the dark.
"Why?! Every time you're over you always pick up. And it's kind of embarrassing." I say
"It's okay... we all helped!" I hear a voice say and I turn on the light switch by the door.
And literally- every fucking one is here.
"OKAY, WHO PLANNED THIS?!" I yell in Jaeden's face.
"Ehh-ummm. ...all of us?"
I roll my eyes.
I turn around looking at everyone.
So there's Gaten, Noah, Caleb, Sadie, Millie, AND MADDIE AND FINN.
I turn back around to Jaeden.
"Um. Jaeden."
"What is Finn and Maddie doing here?"
"Oh. Wait what? Maddie' here?" He says looking around the fridge seeing Maddie.

//A/N: i'm picturing the kitchen like mine & my kitchen setup is pretty fucked up & the fridge is like in the way so that's why lmao//

"Yeah, she is!" I say
"I'm sorry. I didn't invite her. Millie must've invited her since they're friends and she left last night so she wasn't with us this morning."
"I'm sorry" he says, as I push past everyone to run up to the bathroom.
God. This is so overwhelming. A bunch of fucking celebrities are in my home. A bitch is here. A jerk is here. And I don't even really know what's going on.
I hear footsteps come up the stairs as I look into the mirror.
*knock knock*
I peel open the door a sliver, only revealing an eyeball.
"YES! It's you!" I say happily, widening the door, pulling her in and slamming the door shut.
"I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" I say hugging her tightly.
"So... can you tell me what the heck is happening?!" I say pulling away from the hug.
"Well, Millie really wanted a big sleepover altogether and I think Sophia said we should all get together before summer's over even though we're only like a month through."
"So who's bright idea was it to have Maddie over?"
"She's Millie's friend..."
"I know! But do you know what happened?!"
"Last night at the party... I saw her. I saw her kissing Finn. ...well with him."
"So, he kissed back?"
"I know right! Like she knew we were together. Right?!"
"Right. I mean she could at least notice you guys were close or something."
"Ugh. Well I guess I'll try to ignore her for tonight. ...I mean, she is Millie's friend. And if Millie's my friend I guess I have to respect her"
"Yeah. Whatever. We need to hang out tonight it's been a while I feel like."
"It has! And I miss you so much! Also how's everything with Jack?"
Her face pulls into a blushy smile.
"Okayyy sooo. Let's just say Ellie keeps sending me hate texts. -but it's totally fine cause you know, Jack's got my back. He actually takes my phone and texts her back on it"
"Oh my god, really?!"
"Yeah I know"
"Aww well I'm happy for you!"
"Okay, let's give this sleepover a shot..." I say, walking out of the bathroom.

//A/N: sry this took so long! i kinda got writers block! i'll try to update soon! i actually think i have some ideas for this. also i have another story idea for something else! but idk if it'll be soon cuz i kinda wanna finish this one but i'm not sure when it'll be over. anyways i'm gonna go to sleep now. it's like 11:15p.m. now.//

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