019 - yee

35 3 0

I sit up in bed.
"fuck." I say, getting up, feeling completely light-headed.
I go downstairs to the kitchen walking past passed out people on the floor, making my way to the fridge.
"Hey, she's up!" Wyatt says, talking to the doorway to the living room.
Everyone comes in, joining me at the island.
"How are you?" Jaeden says
"Are you ok?" Jeremy says
"Is she alright?" Jack says
"What happened?" Millie says
"Oh my god Hazel!" Sophia says
"You feeling better?" Noah says
They all say at the same time.
"JUST SHUT UP, OK?!" I scream, yet quietly, in a deep voice I had no control over.
"yeah, keep your voice quiet. remember?" Wyatt says at a comfortable pitch.
"So what even happened? Why does my head hurt? Why do my lungs hurt? Why does my body ache? And why do I feel like complete shit." I say looking around.
"Well, we saw you laying on the floor and you looked pretty messed up so we took you up stairs." Wyatt says
"Yeah, and you seemed very drunk. Plus you came out of a room full of smoke and I'm not sure if you did it or not." Jaeden says
"Wait, what do you mean by did it?!" I ask
"Like smoked. ...not that!" Jaeden says
"Ok, good. But still- I was in a room full of smoke!" I say surprised I would go in there. But yet I was drunk sooo it wasn't like I chose to.
"What do you last remember?" Sophia asked me
"Well I remember going out on the grass with Olly and then he had to leave and I was tired so I went back in to go find a room to sleep in and I saw Maddie and Finn kissing so I got upset and got some more drinks and that's all I really remember." I say, weakly since my lungs hurt too much.
After what I said, everyone looked at Finn.
He looked at them and then looked at me and glared and walked out of the room on his phone.
"He did that?" Wyatt asked
"Yeah. Bet you didn't see that coming." I say, mocking what Finn said to me last night, rolling my eyes walking out of the kitchen and into the hallway.
I rest my elbows on the windowsill, running my hand through my curls, looking out the window.
"Hey, wanna leave soon?" Sophia says behind me.
"Yeah. That'd be great. But can I hang out with you and some other people today, cause I don't want to go home like this."
"So when do you wanna leave?"
"Umm 15-ish minutes?"
"K sounds good" she says leaving.
I continue to just stand there and then I hear footsteps walk into the room.
"You just couldn't stay sober, could you?"
I turn around seeing Finn going up the stairs.

(little time skip):

"K bye guys" Sophia says as Jaeden, Wyatt, Chosen, Jeremy, and Sophia & I walk out of the door together.
We walk out of the door and into the car we came here in.
"So what're we doing today?" Jeremy asks
"Ummm, not sure. What do you guys wanna do?" Sophia asks
"Roller skating!?!" Jeremy says out loud.
"Oh yessss! Please can we go roller skating?!" Chosen says
"Why do you guys wanna go roller skating so bad?" I say laughing at them
"Jeremy's my roller skating partner." Chosen says, grabbing his hand.
"....and you want to skate?" I ask again.
"Yes! I love those games they play!" Jeremy says in a very excited-sounding tone.
"Okay, okay! We'll go roller skating!" Sophia says laughing.
I open the GPS to find the nearest roller rink. "Hey look at this meme Jaeden" Wyatt says reaching his phone out to him. Causing Jaeden to lean all his weight on my left thigh. Since he's sitting on my lap since there's only three seats in the back and they're all full and there's like no room back there.
"Jaeden can you not?" I say annoyed
"Sorry" he says, repositioning, holding the phone in his hands.
He laughs and throws it back at Wyatt.
"Now. Time to get comfortable." He says, putting his feet up on the chair, resting his head on my shoulder.
I look down at him furrowing my eyebrows, rolling my eyes, and looking back up.

(a notha time skip)

We walk through the doors and get to the front desk.
"Can we get 4 pairs of skates and 2 roller blades?" Sophia asks the lady
"Oh, I'm sorry miss, we don't have blades here" the lady says
"Oh ok" Sophia says
"Sizes?" The lady asks us all
(Everyone says their size)
The lady comes back with the skates, setting them on the counter top.
"There ya go"
"Thanks" we all say, walking off to the benches.
(we all get our skates on)
"So I'm going with Chosen." Jeremy says.
"And I'm going with Jeremy." Chosen says
"Sophia! I'm going with you!" Jaeden says
"NO I am!" I say, frustrated.
"NO! ME!" He says
I turn to Sophia with raised eyebrows.
She shrugs her shoulders and looks back down to tying her skates.
"Looks like it's gonna come down to heads or tails" Wyatt says, holding out a quarter.
"I call tails!" Jaeden says before I could.
"Fine. Heads." I say, crossing my arms.
"K" Wyatt says, tossing the coin up in the air, slapping it flat on his arm.
"Tails." He says looking up.
I turn to Jaeden making an annoyed face.
"Looks like you're stuck with me!" Wyatt says smiling.
"Hey, come on! This isn't fair! Me and Wyatt are the ones who can't skate!" I say
"Well, perfect, you guys are at the same level!" Jaeden says smiling.
"Get away!" I say with a serious face.
"going." He says, taking Sophia's arm out to the rink.
"Ok, now don't make me fall." Wyatt says, getting up from the bench.
"Ha I'll try!"
I get up from the bench and try skating over- only to fall right on the ground. Ugh. I suck.
I hear Wyatt laughing and look back at him as he gets up- falling to the ground too.
"wow. real smooth." I say, laughing.
I manage to get up and stand. I reach out my hand to lift Wyatt up off the ground. Resulting of me falling to the ground, landing on top of him.
He looks into my eyes as I look down at him in shock.
"Uh-um, I'm sorry," I say, rolling off to the side.
"Need some help?" some dude says, holding a hand out to me.
"Uh, sure" I say, reaching up.
"Thanks" i say, getting to my feet.
"No problem. Wanna go skate?" He asks
"Uh-" i say getting cut off.
"She's with me. ...you can go now." Wyatt says.
Is he jealous or something what the hell, he's never been like this.
"K dude" he says, putting his hands up, going away.
"Now, let's go!" Wyatt says, grabbing onto my arm.

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