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"Heyyyyy" says Layla, my best friend who understands me so much.
"Heyyyyy" I say back.
"I'm gonna come in your room"
"Okay, good, otherwise I'd probably just be loosing my hearing, listening to loud music in my earbuds."
"I'll be there at, uhh, quarter to"
"Ok, see you thennnnn" I say smiling and turning the corner into my homeroom.
I sit at the back-farthest lab table. My home room teacher is also my science teacher. I sit back there so I can be unbothered and get my stuff done and listen to my music as loud as I want. Also sometimes when I sneak and just watch movies on YouTube, then my teacher doesn't walk around looking at my screen.

(Also btw it's like the last week in May, so school is ending soon.)

But ever since I started going back there, now everyone else wants to come back here. And it's so annoying!!
"Hey 'Cay-a-zzo'! Give me the stool!" Says an annoying boy.
"Ky-ah-zzo! And NO!" I say back to him.
People always pronounced my last name wrong and it's so annoying. It's just one of the problems of being Italian.
There's also the poofy, curly hair I wake up to every morning that I need to wet down first, then dry it, then spray mom's special hair-wetting spray, then air dry that, and then brush through, and voila! But it takes a while for my hair to dry and all. But whatever, also being Italian, my laugh can be very loud especially something that really gets me laughing.

Layla walks in the door, walking over smiling.
"Hiiii" I say
"Heyyy, guess what?!" Layla says smiling with teeth.
"What?! What is it?"
"Jack Grazer is coming to Wisconsin!!"
"What the fudge! Why?!" I say
"I don't know why yet, but he put on his story on Instagram him on a plane with the location Milwaukee, WI!!!"
"Oh my god, what the hell is he doing here?"
"I know I want to know!"
Then comes my other friend Sam, short for Samantha.
"Guys! Finn is coming to Wisconsin!!" Says Sam
"I heard." I say
"What do you mean?" Says Sam
"Jack is coming too"
"Hey, maybe, Layla and Jack can hang out and then me and Finn could hang out!" Sam says
"Agh! I love him too!" I say with an annoyed face
"C'mon you're always talking about Cole Sprouse! Stick to him!" I snap back
"Well, I liked him first before you!" Says Sam
"Oh my god, seriously?! You like a lot of guys already that you call 'your's'! You like Cole, Tom Holland, Chris Hemsworth, The Outsiders, Chris Pratt, Andrew Garfield, and I don't know who else, but more, I just can't remember!"
"Whatever, Finn probably likes me more!" Says Sam.
I just stick my earbuds in and go on my computer. And Sam talks to Layla, knowing she pissed me off. Sam eventually leaves.
"Oh my god. She's so annoying!" I say to Layla
"Ugh, I know right! Can't she just be original and like her own things!" Says Layla.
Layla and I are a lot alike. We get mad over stupid shit that we shouldn't be mad about, but are because we're very territorial. Like for example, she got pissed at Sam for using the certain heart emoji that Layla always uses. I kinda laughed at her for getting mad over an emoji. But whatever, what we mean, is that she needs her own things, and not copy us all the time! I get mad when she starts to like my favorite celebrities or tries to do something I do, but better.
~Like, please can I have one thing be mine, have that one thing I'm good at please?!~
Whatever. Not gonna let her get to me.
But otherwise Sam is someone I can be my weird self around and not really care. She doesn't judge me at all, she sometimes gets my humor, not all the time, she sometimes is kinda lost when it comes to that kind of stuff when we talk. And like we can't really have actual conversations- not like me and Layla can.

(Study Hall ends)
I get to my locker and get all my stuff packed up and both my friends come up to me.
We walk out to our buses together. Sam leaving first. Then Layla's, then I walk to my bus, the first bus in line to leave.

On Phone > Snapchat:
Payten: hey u wanna come over and hang out?
Payten and I used to be very close back then a couple years ago, but lost our closeness when she started hanging out with the popular girls.
It was fine by me honestly because I realized she wasn't really the right type of person as a friend for me. We're practically opposites. She's out-going. She participates in stuff, she's in sports, she wears all the brandy clothes, and she talks to a LOT of people. They're not people from our school. But still. She literally has a Snapchat streak with like over 300 people. Also, she's already been in how many relationships. I'm already a junior and high school, and I still haven't dated at all yet. **I called it!
(Anyways, back to text):
Me: uh, sure yeah
Payten: u can sleepover if u want
Me: yeah sure. So when should I come over?
Payten: well I'm gonna be meeting up with some friends at the park. Ya know, by the pool
Me: oh yeah. So what should I wear?
Payten: idk whatever u want honestly
Me: ok. Wait so when do I come?
Payten: um, probably like 5-6 ish. Come whenever u want
Me: ok, I'll bike there and be there by 5:30
Payten: ok see u then!
Me: byeee
(TIME SKIP TO 5 pm):
I go upstairs and put on an outfit and let my loose curls down.
This is her outfit:

 This is her outfit:

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(And this backpack)

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(And this backpack)

Hazel goes downstairs.
"Hey, mom, I'm gonna go over by Payten's. I'm gonna sleepover, okay?"
"Okay, bye love you!" Says my mom
I go out to the garage and get my bike and ride off.

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