018 - another party, yayyy pt. 2

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fuck this.
I walk over to the living room and grab a beer from a cooler.
I gulp it all down and get another one.
Some guy pulls my arm and we sit on the floor in circle to play spin the bottle.
"Aight, who wants to go first?" Says the guy sitting next to me.
"Fuck this. I'll go" I say. I feel so careless now and honestly don't give a shit about anything.
I spin the bottle and watch as it spins and slows down and stops, pointing at someone. Some random guy across from me. He has curly, dark brown hair- almost black. Dark brown eyes. AMAZING eyebrows. Adorable dimples. A cute smile. A good sense of style, but not fuckboy-ish. And basically seems perfect.
"Alright, now let's see some action!" Says that guy next to me.
I slowly lean over. He comes closer. And there it is. His lips are so soft, I could kiss them forever! I then realize this is kinda longer than most of these kisses should last so I pull away, opening my eyes to see his wide open.
"My turnnnn" says a voice from the circle, as I get up.
I walk back over to get another beer and swallow it all down.
I turn around to look for something else to do, but get alarmed by that guy who kissed me.
"Oh, hey" I say awkwardly, looking away.
"I saw you pretty lonely before. ....wait that sounded creepy, I wasn't stalking you"
"No it's fine. But yeah I was."
"Are you okay? You seemed upset"
"I'm fine."
"It's okay. You can tell me"
"Ok, so my boyfriend was flirting with another girl and he basically was being an asshole about the whole situation and left and I was upset because of how he was acting and what he said."
"Oh. I'm sorry."
"It's fine."
"Well do you wanna talk or something?"
"Um sure. I guess."
"Hey, how bout we go outside or something? Get some air?"
"Yeah, that sounds nice"
We walk out into the backyard. People in the pool with loud music playing. And people talking very loudly. Another group, smoking something. And then the random people making out.
"ew." I say looking around.
"Hahah, right?"
"It's just-"
"Gross" he finishes my sentence.
"Yes. ....parties aren't your thing either?"
"Yeah, my friends made me come"
"Hey what's your name?"
"Hazel. What's yours?"
"Oliver. But you can call me Olly for short."
"Hey do you have Snapchat? Or a number, I guess."
"Yeah. I got both of those."
I laugh a little and take out my phone, opening my Snapchat.
He takes his out and scans my Snapchat code and adds me and I add him back.
"What do you want to be called? ...or just Olly, if you want."
"Umm, just Olly's fine"
**changes his name.
"Can we just lay down on the grass? I'm kinda tired." I say
Why is he so nice to me? No one's ever like this. Especially not a guy. Does he like me or something? I don't know why though, because I'm so weird. He just hasn't seen that side of me yet.
"So who are your friends here?" He asks, as we lay down on the damp dewy grass.
"Umm well mainly Sophia and Jaeden. I mean there's other people here I think, I just haven't seen them yet. What about you? ...your friends?"
"I don't know where they are really but we all came together."
"So, why'd you leave them?"
"Because they always drag me to these and I don't really care for them and they can be assholes sometimes. And I don't know, they don't always understand me. If you know what I mean."
"No i think i know what you mean."
"So... your boyfriend. Who is he?"
"Um, Finn" I say not knowing if he knows him already or...
"Oh, Wolfhard, right?"
"Yep. You know him?"
"No. Not really. But we have mutual friends."
"HEY, OLIVER, WE'RE GONNA GO HOME. YOU COMING?!" Shouts a voice from the poolside.
"YEAH, COMING." Olly shouts back.
"See you another time maybe?" He asks, getting up.
"We'll see you. I would stay, it's just they're my only ride home."
"See ya!"
He runs away, waving back, smiling, and catching up with his friends.
Nice guy. I actually hope to see him again. He's really cute and sweet. And Finn is being a jerk, so why not?
I put in my earbuds again, looking up at the sky, making out constellations, starting to doze off to sleep.
I should just go to bed.
I got up, earbuds still in, pushing past people.
I walk into the kitchen and see Wyatt, Jaeden, and Noah eating pizza at the island, talking. I don't make eye contact and walk out and up the stairs. I doubt there will actually be a room available for me to sleep in, but I gotta check.
I go up the steps and reach the top, looking around. Six rooms total. Two bathrooms. Spread around the circular loft.
I push open the first four doors. Just people making out. Ugh. I reach the handle of the door and open it.
Finn kisses Maddie against the wall.
Wow. How did I not expect.
They didn't notice me. But maybe when I slammed the door shut. I went around and every room- including the bathrooms were all taken. Ughhhhhhh. I walk back downstairs and look everywhere for an unoccupied room. Or an at least quiet room.
Nothing. Nothing! God!!!!
Fine. If I can't fall asleep, I'll have to make me.
I grab a couple some beers and drink em all up, wobbling around the house. I try to go up the first two steps, but fall. Someone picks me up, grabbing my arms and setting me down on the floor against the wall. I feel so weird. Like that feeling when you have so much fun dancing and listening to music so loud that you feel like you are drunk. Except I actually am. But I kinda like it. I'm even more careless now. I get up walking over and end up in some random room. I open the door and fall to the floor. "Yo ho ho!" Someone shouts. I laugh loudly.
It looks smoky in the room. A circular couch with people sitting on it. I'm still laying on the floor and someone picks me up, setting me on the couch. My vision is blurry but I make out people sat close together, smoking a blunt. "Pass it here" someone says drowsily.
He passes it to the girl next to him. And it passes around the circle. I'm totally out of it and unaware of what's happening. The guy next to me passes it over and I put it in my mouth inhaling. I take it out, puffing out a cloud. "Yeaaaah" people across me say, encouraging.

(time skip)

I walk out the room cause I'm too tired. I open the door falling to the floor. Again. I lay there until someone lifts me up into a marriage-carry. I open my eyes and Jaeden's right in front of my face. I look around and Wyatt, Jeremy, and Noah are all there wide-eyed.
"Let's get you to sleep." Jaeden says as they all follow us up the stairs.
"Ugh, Wyatt, can you carry her?" Jaeden says, turning around.
"Yeah, sure." Wyatt says. Jaeden lifts me into Wyatt's arms and takes me upstairs.
"Thank you, cinnamon roll." I say, playing with his curls.
"Hahah yeah" he says.
Jeremy and Jaeden go into a room, yelling something and two people come out, upset and yelling back at them.
"FUCK YOU" the girl yells at them as she walks past us.
"NO, FUCK YOU, THEY'RE MY FRIENDS!" I yell back to her.
Wyatt carries me into the room and lays me on the bed.
"There you go" he says, tucking me in. "Thanks lil teacup." I say back, smiling. He laughs and joins the guys at the doorway.
"Do you want us to lock the door?" Jaeden asks in the doorway.
"Uhhh I don't care" I say back.
"K, well good night." Jaeden says.
"Good night Hazel" Wyatt says, rushing over by the bedside turning off the lamp and leaving.
"Good night!" The rest of them say.
Jaeden closes the door.
"WAIT, I NEED TO TELL YOU ALL SOMETHING!" I yell before he closes the door.
"Yeah?" Jaeden says, opening the door.
"What the fuck." Wyatt says quietly.
Others laughing.
"We sure will!" Noah says laughing.
"Good, now go!" I say, shooing them away with my hand.
The door shuts and I hear a click and footsteps walking away and laughing.
I fall asleep. Finally.

//A/N: i might even have another part out today!! can u believe it?!//

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