008 - morning

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♡//hehe 008 - Kali//
I open my eyes suddenly from hearing a crash coming from a game.
Ughhh. Wyatt.
"SERIOUSLY WYATT!! How early is it?"
"Only 2 in the afternoon."
"Then get your ass up and get going!"
"I think I know that" I say slapping him on the head
"Ha! That's what you get!"
"And why??"
"Because you didn't wake me up!"
"I didn't know when you had to wake up!"
**i flip him off and run upstairs
I charge into the bathroom and quick get dressed.
I walk out to the kitchen, getting a glass of orange juice.
"Why you in a hurry?"
"Huh?" I turn around to see Finn.
"Oh. Because my mom wants me home in 15 minutes."
"Oh. You want me to drive you over?"
"Yes, please!!"
"K. Then I'm gonna go get dressed, be right back."
I finish my drink and get my backpack from the basement and pack everything together.
"Hey, you gonna text us on the group chat?" says Wyatt
"Well, yeah!"
"Good. I need someone to help me with an outfit!" says Millie
"What do you mean?"
"There's a party next weekend and I need to go to the mall and find something this week"
"Oh! Will do!"
"Hey, you wanna come?"
"Me? At a party?"
"Yeah, why not?"
"I don't know. I've never been to one."
"Well, then you have to come"
"Ugh, fine. But you're gonna help me with what to do and stuff."
"Of course!"
"So who's all gonna be there?"
"All of us and other people who are fellow friends of some of the boys."
"Oh. Cool. Great. Boys." I say with a straight smile
"It'll be fine!"
"K, let's hope!!"

"Well, bye guys! See you next weekend!"
"Bye!" They all say together
I walk up the stairs meeting Finn, us walking out the door to a car in the driveway.
"Who's car even is this?"
"Ummm, I'm guessing Jack's cousin's"
"Oh my god!" I say laughing that he doesn't even know who's car he's using.
(We drive back to my house- me giving directions the way there)
"So, you're going to that party next weekend, right?"
"Yeah. You?"
"Yeah. Millie invites me"
"Oh good. I was gonna ask if she didn't"
"So. Who's gonna be there?"
"Ahh, some friends of Wyatt's I'm pretty sure. Somewhere in Chicago"
"Oh cool. I can probably drive you guys there if you don't want to"
"You can?"
"Yeah we always would go around the area to go to six flags and to go to museums in Chicago and stuff."
"I think we might be taking a bus or something. Im not sure yet though. But otherwise, if we're driving you and Wyatt can drive then"
"Ok. I actually am kinda excited. It is my first party sooo"
"Yeah" I say slightly laughing
(We pull up in my driveway)
"No problem. Bye babe" he says as I shut the door.
I quick open it - "babe?"
"You called me babe"
"Oh. Yeah. I did" he says smiling at me
"K, byeeeee"

A/N: Wow. Can you believe it? Two chapters in one day?!! I'll try and be more active hopefully!

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