"It'd be a great pleasure," Elijah agrees as well and Cora slightly shrugs. "I live there so why not?"

"Great," Damon keeps his smirk on his lips, sharing a look with his little sister.


The two siblings head towards the Fell's Church tomb where Damon had told Cora Katherine is trapped inside. He told the short story of how they got her inside and how Stefan was trying to be the hero, ending up stuck in there as well for a short period of time. They descend down the steps and stop to see Katherine's body has desiccated.  Damon pulls something out and waves a bottle of blood under her nose and pours some in her mouth. She starts to drink.

"Great. Drink up. Good girl," Damon says as they watches her drink the blood. She takes the bottle out of his hands and continues to drink. Damon gets up.

"I've come bearing gifts. I didn't have time to properly shop, but I had my little sister help with that. Hmm?" Damon places a hand on Cora's shoulder, knowing Katherine didn't like her that much.

He hangs some clothes on the iron grating for Katherine. Katherine looks normal again and crushes the empty blood bottle in her hands. Damon looks down at her and Cora shakes her head.

"Wow. That bottle of blood did the trick. You're almost pretty again," Cora comments, smirking.

"What is it you two want," Katherine glares at the Salvatore girl.

"Guess who's back in town? Your old friend John Gilbert," Damon breaks the news.

"Really? Why."

"Says he loves his daughter, wants to protect her from Elijah and big, bad Klaus," Damon answers.

"Touching." Katherine slowly pulls herself up off the ground.

Cora leans against the wall, slightly blocking out the sound of their voices and thinking back to the names her brother mentioned. She has heard many stories about the two brothers but not knowing which story was true about them. All she knew was that they were the first vampires to be created centuries ago and hard to kill, which they thought before until John Gilbert came over with a dagger and a bottle of ashes.

"Now why not? I mean, you want Elijah and Klaus dead as much as we do," Damon's voice pierced through Cora's thoughts. She shakes her head and stands on her feet, inching closer towards the two.

"Klaus, yes. Elijah, no. He's compelled me to stay in here. If he dies, I'm stuck forever," Katherine states.

"Oh boo-hoo. Sucks to be you," Cora rolls her eyes, happy in the inside.

"Forget it. Killing Elijah would be a suicide mission. You can't do it," Katherine attempts to stop the two.

"Can so."


"Even with a dagger and a little white oak ash?" Cora smirks as she mentions the weapon and Katherine turns around with a surprised expression.

"No. Cora, if you kill Elijah, then I'm stuck in here forever," Katherine plays the act.

"And I should care why? You hate me and I hate you. This is just calls for a celebration," Cora smiles happily.

"Just get me out of here first and then I'll help you. I'll-I'll help you kill Elijah or-or protect Elena," Katherine stutters. "Whatever you want."

"We get you out of here and your ass is sipping Klaus-free margaritas on some unknown island somewhere. No way," Damon shakes his head.

"That's not true. I'll stay. Damon, please just don't do it," Katherine pleads the Salvatore siblings.

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