24 - The Fear Of It All

Start from the beginning

Viktor, like Lilith, rarely called her in full name mode. It was almost unnerving.

"Not tonight. It's your birthday, you look extravagant in this gown and I'm certain the lack of fabric beneath it could top it. You want to know what I was up to? Then I'll tell you when the time is right...but not tonight."

There was a bit of desperation in his voice that mirrored that in his eyes. Viktor was almost pleading with her to let it go. Should she be worried or was it just that painful? Damn the itch of curiosity; she wanted to scratch it red but for now, she would let it go. After all, Gwyn had gone through so much trouble to make this evening perfect, the last thing Kris wanted to do was fuck it up.
So, silently relenting, she sucked it up, leaned in to plant a gentle kiss to her lover's lips and allowed him to win this one. Eventually he would have to tell her...she just hoped everything was ok.


Gwyn was an event planning genius. Was that even a thing? If not, she was the first of her kind. The way the entire expanse of the back yard was lit up with brilliant lights that twinkled like stars, extravagant sweeping draperies and fancy party favors was simply amazing. A live band was set up on the gazebo making their way through a snazzy jazzy number that had guests swaying and twirling on the dance floor. The hors d'oeuvres were the tastiest, mouth-watering treats that her eyes and mouth had ever experienced. To think she had a big part in all their preparation made Kris proud to brag about, and she sure did every time she heard someone exclaim about their yumminess.

Viktor had shuffled off to the bar to fetch her drink and she knew it would be awhile but damn, it was longer than she had anticipated. Perhaps the time felt longer because one of her father's business partners was about to make her ears bleed from the slow-speed conversation he was trying to subject her to. Truly the only reason he was buttering up so close was because he was trying hard to get Platinum Membership at TTB and Kris kept denying his application with good reason. If he kept talking she was going to have to enlighten him of what that 'good reason' was. Trying to make himself look harmless by having his version of light conversation was not really helping his case at all. Kris was at her limit; it was her birthday and even though business was her pleasure...she was on vacation damn it!

"...and so like I've said previously, I find that your line of business is quite the picker upper after a long week in the office-"
"I figured that the only 'lines of business' you were acquainted with as a 'picker upper' was that of the white powdered variety. Am I wrong?" Kris interjected with an arched brow but her voice low enough beneath the jazzy snazzy song that was floating through the night.

Ghastly...was that the word? It seemed to be accurate enough to describe just how pale the short portly man had become. She inclined her head with a look that said she was daring him to deny it.

"Yes Mr. Cane; even on vacation in my lovely little evening gown, I am. But at the moment, I would prefer to talk less about work and simply enjoy the festive my dear mother has bent over backwards to throw for me. Think we can do that?"

He bobbed his head repeatedly with eyes wide. Clearly he was nervous not just of their conversation being overheard, or of her knowing his secret but also from the chilling expression she wore. Kris really had to bottle this shit and make a fortune from it; the intimidation was on point.

Shortly after, Cane got the point and wobbled off in another direction. When Kris looked about to search out Viktor, she also caught the eyes of quite a few of her customers and club members. Damn, TTB was more popular than she was aware of. Pat on the back for that accomplishment.

But where the hell was Viktor! Did he run out to help stock the bar or something?

"Hopefully you're not too bored."

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