16 - Reconnected

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A/N: hope this is not too boring for you guys. I just needed one more filler before i could skip into the future a bit and this is that. Still hope its a bit enjoyable. Bear with me as I am trying to get back into the 'groove' of this story. The best is yet to come though! 

Also i have entered Reconditioned into the #Wattys2016 so i hope i gain your support by recommending and voting and God know's what else needs to be done. Let me know what you think and thanks again luvvies!

Cold. She was so cold. Maybe it was the bite of it that helped her to come around. Her head felt heavy and filled with impermeable fog; white all consuming fog that made every thought shrouded every time she attempted to hold onto it. It was near suffocating. Finally latching onto her conscience and shivering from the chill of air that biff against her skin, Lilith registered that her body was not going to move to her will. The crazy reason was not that she couldn't feel it or not make her muscles respond; she was bond. Her arms were tied so tightly at the center of her back and there was no way to make it budge. She tried to pull again and moaned painfully as the ropes became tighter not just around her wrists but around her breasts as well. She took shallow breaths around the sphere-like object that was wedged tightly between her lips. Thankfully, it was vented but she could feel the slide of her saliva rolling pass her lips and onto her chin. Okay, maybe she could move her legs. From what she could tell, though they were numb, she was kneeling up on a soft surface, probably a bed, with her legs parted painfully. The bite of the ropes was just as bad as the cold and though her eyes were darkened by the blind fold she knew she was near naked.
The corset was gone but she was still in her thigh high white stockings; trimmed with four inch lace bands that help covered her entire leg. Besides that, she was still in white lace panties. How did she get in this state? Was there really no way for her hands to get free? She tried again and cried out as her bracelet bit in harder on her right wrist.
Okay, she had to stay calm; panicking, though it was so feasible right at that very moment, was not going to help her situation any. First of all, she had to think how she got where she was to begin with. What did she remember? The club, she was at the club. It was the Halloween party at TTB and she had one non-alcoholic drink compared to Kris who had been drinking pretty hard. Some guy in a mask? The dance floor? Feeling sick...outside...then nothing. She couldn't remember what happened after that. Where the fuck was she?
Wait...this already happened. This...had happened before. Yes! Yes it did. So why? Why was this happening again?
Lilith gasped to the eerie sound of the hinges of the door she was sure was above her, cry out and the dooming foot falls of the man whom at least this time around, she knew his identity. But he should be dead! He couldn't be alive!
Lips pressed against her temple and it made her pitch away. She cried out and knew her wrists were about to bleed. He chuckled at her failed attempt to evade him and the moment she heard it she began to scream from behind her gag. God no, this could not be happening.

"Thought it would be that easy to get rid of me didn't you Dr. Ashton?" His voice was just as creepy and disgusting as she had recalled it to be.

Martin grabbed a fist full of her hair and pulled her head back at an excruciating angle then peeled the blindfold from her eyes and the gag from her mouth. The moment she saw him, her throat burned with the frantic release of her screams. Blood soaked into his shirt and it oozed cold and coagulated from his neck and guts. She could see the copper red of his insides, already dead and decayed as it should be but the body still moved. Those lifeless pale eyes were animated with the same revolting lust that he nurtured for her. The pungent dead fester of flesh was enough to make her retch as he lowered himself closer to her lips.

"No! No! Stooooop!" She screamed as his blood leeched onto her face.

There was a slight groan that made them both still. Where had it come from? Martin still had her head pulled all the way back so when he looked at something on the bed, she couldn't see what it was. Was someone else here? Another groan confirmed that answer to be a yes. There was someone else in the room with them.

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