7- Member or Murder?

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AN: I have not edit this chapter as yet; please excuse the errors!

"So basically you're saying that I should just void his application?" Kris asked; placing her laptop onto the coffee table.

She had since moved Viktor from her room to the office so that Neil could settle Reeva there. It was also so that she didn't jump his bones the moment she saw him atop her sheets. Wouldn't want that now would we?

Yes we would actually...

But that wasn't happening. Once Viktor had relayed in depth, what he had found at Fairchild's home, he had handed over the jump drive of information on the man. There was enough filth to convince Kris that the prospect of giving membership meant that she was opening the door to future problems that she would regret.

"Quite the opposite actually." He spoke up after a sip of his drink.
"I don't follow; Fairchild is blatantly a criminal and he's looking to push his products through the convenience of my club. What else is there to do but refute him access?"
"Think about it on a bigger scale Ms. Hilton. You hired me to find dirt on Mr. Fairchild; that I did. He knows that you are having him checked out but from what he has made visible publically and what could be considered privately, his nose is clean. His next question would be why are you denying him access and I'm sorry but 'I just don't like you' won't be enough to account for a reasonable explanation in Mr. Fairchild's regard."
She scoffed and said, " Works for me. I shouldn't have to explain myself."
"You would want to believe that but in reality, a man like him requires an explanation."
"Tell me why you got the impression that I cared."
"I'm trying to help you here Kristen."
"Then help me understand what you are suggesting I do. I thought after seeing what you saw, you would automatically advise me to cut the line on that fishy."
"I would if it would not cause a bigger back fire." He said calmly versus Kris peeved expression.
"A bigger backfire than what other alternative; letting him in?" She scowled.
"Wait, you want me to grant him membership? After viewing this shit? Fuck off with that..."
"Let's keep fucking to the side for now koketka, but we can certainly get to that after this talk."

Fucking derailed again, she stared at him with her mouth slightly ajar and it was the toughest thing to ignore the pulse between her thighs. It was dangerous. It needed tending to like right that moment, but Kris was going to have to fight it for now. Could one get dehydrated from and overactive vagina? Another thing to Google...

"Stay focused. Why do you think it's such a good idea to give Fairchild membership? Wouldn't that put him right where he wants; to market his shit through my club? I mean, I know he won't be doing it himself personally, but he would be on the inside to get shit organized. I can't have that; TTB is a drug free zone and-"
"He will know that you know more than you're supposed to." Viktor interrupted; grinding her speech to an immediate halt. God she hated when people interrupted her and it appeared as if Viktor made a sport out of it as much as he could.

"Explain." She demanded; folding her arms and falling back against the cushions behind her. She frowned as he uncrossed his leg, sat forward and adjusted his neck tie. His expression was still neutral but there was an underlying current of something cold, menacing and pissed that was pulsating right off of his frame. She wanted this man too much.

"Donovan Fairchild is a very private man; he knows how to do his dirt and undercover business without leaving a trail. A man that covers his tracks the way he does means that he has gone to great extents to keep it so. I'll make it clearer Ms. Hilton; he doesn't leave witnesses. So, if he sees that you automatically reject his application, ask you for a reason and you refuse to give a valid one, he will know that whatever your private eye found would be incriminating and more than you are intended to know. It could mean you have seen or heard things that would be crucial to his career. That is where you will have an issue."

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