10 - Hold Me...Protect Me...

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Monday June 8th 2015

A/N :So sorry for my absence. Like i said, Life has been throwing some dirty blows of late...hopefully its done being mean and will now be sweet to me...like a sour patch kid. Anyway! Hope you enjoy; wish it could be stronger as a comeback but i still think you will at least appreciate an update. Again...so sorry!!! 

oh! click the above/side media for the song. you'll understand where it goes.

What a busy little kitten Kristen had been since that nefarious night in her office with the erotic Russian delight. Oh yes indeed. Was it by chance? Certainly it had to be right? Considering that her club was still number one in SanFran, her clientele was growing along with her management team and she just had too many task to tackle and cover before she could be content with leaving them alone, yeah, she was indeed very busy. So it wasn't as if she was avoiding him every chance she got or anything. It wasn't that she didn't want to have a meeting with him concerning the important matter of his employment; no and it had nothing to do with her ego being bruised or anything. So what if he had told her no that night, right? So what if he hadn't fucked her when she asked; the guy had given an understandable explanation that she could accept.


Not really. Kris did have an ego and when it demanded to have something along with her approval, it was supposed to get it or mayhem would break out in the world. Wouldn't want to be at fault for the apocalypse or anything...
It was silly though, it was so immature to act this way and she was aware of it too severely, but there was more to it that Kris was just not prepared to voice. Something about Viktor Shostak was a threat to her neatly organized fucked up world and she was straining under the blare of alarms that were ringing off in her head to take evasive maneuvers. It became faint when she thought about everything else besides him, but it was hard staying focus when she stopped moving, because when that happened, she was stuck in the memory of him holding her in his arms and soothing away her panic attack. When it wasn't that memory, there was always the very wet one of him eating her out like a fucking buffet. Yeah that one came with a shivering and a yearning sensation for something more down in her lady bits. It was like the damn thing had taken on life and all it wanted was to have him. Maybe her vagina and her ego were in cahoots together. It was a thought worth pondering but she couldn't at work. So busy it was. It was the only way to remain functioning and not get distracted.

Though the ebony hair Dom felt her body's resistance to the denial of the sex she wanted, it also felt her fatigue as well and it was becoming stronger than the latter. Kris needed a fucking vacation, probably literally, but seriously she needed a vacation. There was no doubt that she was beginning to burn out and her attempts at sleeping were still not working when she woke up with a panic attack every time she tried. The nightmares were always there; each one more colorful than the last. Granted, a few nights after Viktor's 'tongue lashing' and 'finger poking', she actually managed to get some sleep when she got home; in fact, she had no interruptions from the terrors of her mind but only her mind's recollection of what he did to her. After four mornings of blissful wet dreams, her mother got back on the job of scaring the fuck out of her. Still she was always mindful before she could start screaming that she was not alone in her home, so she managed to clamp it down. It made it worst when she couldn't scream and took so much longer to get over the attack. When she did, there were no more hopes of sleeping. She really wanted to sleep. Maybe she could get Viktor to come over and give her that massage he offered awhile back...

To add to the list of people or matters she was avoiding, there was the unfortunate presence of Mr. Donovan Fairchild that she had to live with. The guy was way too annoying to be so confident that Kris would be marginally attracted to him, yet he apparently was under the silly impression. She just wanted to be left alone. Every time he spotted her in the VIP section, she hoped that he would ask her about partnership so that she could field goal his ass out of her establishment. She would be so lucky. Another matter that had gotten under skin concerning him was that he was getting closer and closer to Bianca. It wasn't jealousy because she was not interested at all in Bianca, but it was for the poor girl's safety that she was worried. Donovan Fairchild was an evil that Bianca would never be able to handle on her own. It was a paradox though; she couldn't come right out and tell her that because Fairchild would question her if she started to back away from him when even now she was like a second layer of skin on him. None of the other Subs could get a chance to even breathe the same air as him because of Bianca. When Kris had questioned her in the beginning on why she chose him, she had seen the glitter in the girl's eyes.

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