15 - Missed Call

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A/n : missed me? missed you! didn't edit yet but i wanted this up like now! lol

It was about a quarter to ten that Kris had picked up her desk line to dial Bianca's house and fumed to the sound of Bianca's raspy voice saying that she was not feeling well tonight so the meeting would not be possible. The meeting would not be possible? Because she was suddenly ill?

Clearly that didn't sit well with her so she had told Bianca to go to her laptop and sign into her Skype account right away. When she had tried to talk her way out of it, she decided that having a video chat versus having a surprise visit from her pissed off boss would be wiser. Kris stayed on the line until she had connected to Skype and sent a video call.

She appeared to be well enough; maybe a bit fatigue but all of that could be due to a lack of make-up. She was lying on her back with her honey brown hair caught up in a messy bun. The knitted ivory sweater's turtle neck was pulled up to her chin and she coughed into it with such conviction...but it was a lie. Kris knew what it would look like and this was it. Bianca was avoiding her.

Didn't matter how much distance separated the two; Kris' gaze was powerful enough to make Bianca writhe in discomfort as if she sat right across from her. She kept averting her gaze but Kris' eyes demanded that she not look away. They had sat like that for the most excruciating two minutes of Bianca's life until Kris decided to speak.

"Are you alone?" Kris asked.
"Yes ma'am I am."
"If I had not called, I would have never known that you weren't coming in this evening."
"No! It's not like that. I was going to call in a few. I would never dream of keeping you waiting."
"Bianca, it's now eight minutes to our appointment time; when would you say would be a good time?"

Though it was not a rhetorical question, Bianca felt it would be safe to not verbally answer it but give it a shrug instead. There was really no good enough answer for it anyway.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to stay in bed tonight." She finally said; her eyes still averted.

Kris didn't like the way she looked. The poor girl was definitely suffering but was she going to fess up to it? Probably not. With an indignant sigh and inclining her head to the right, she decided to get to the point, but just as she took a breath to begin; her cell phone buzzed and displayed a message from Viktor. She would look at it when she was done.

"That's fine, but you staying in bed is not going to postpone or cancel the fact that we are going to talk about your situation. I'm going to ask you a question and all I need is for you to be honest with me Bianca. I'll accept your answer but I would hope that it is an honest one. Are you happy with Donovan Fairchild as your Dom?"

At least she had paused. The silence that followed was horribly uncomfortable but Kris was not going to prompt or incite a response from her. She would wait until she came to the conclusion as to how she would answer. Whatever her response would be, when the conversation was all over, would be the final answer and Kris would have to accept it.


Buzz! Buzz!, it pulsed again on her desk. Still she ignored it.

"Its sometimes a challenge but isn't that what I always wanted?" she answered with a strained grin.
"Was that supposed to be your answer and if it was, that was a question."
"Well...I just don't know how to answer you or which answer you want."
"I want the truth; the real answer." Kris replied with left brow inching a bit closer to her hairline.
"I'm...I'm fine Mistress. Like I said, it is a challenge but that is what I have been asking for all along. I got what I wanted."

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