Chapter Six

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I cried loudly at the intense feeling of the small feather hairs on my body were yanked at, the strong wave of pain immediately followed as I sobbed and struggled against the restraints holding me down. I was strapped to a flatbed with a thin mattress that allowed me to feel every string under it, my arms were tied above my head and my legs were bent at the knees and tied around the ankles, displaying my manhood. I struggled harder, feeling my energy drain in numerous ways, from my heavy breathing to the constant kicking of my legs whenever the torturous man hurting me drew closer. I sobbed again, using the chance to get the worker to stop as he stood in his pale green uniform, his eyes trained on the bowl he was stirring before him while holding a strip of paraffin paper in his other hand. Agony swelled and pulsed around my genitals, I threw my head back with another loud sob as I heard the door shut and immediately looked up with alertness.

I was positive my eyes were puffy and red and I squeezed them tightly as the worker returned, I didn't want to see when it would happen, it only made it worse for me to know. I felt the warm wax stick to my few pubic hairs and whimper loudly while waiting for the man to rip it off, I didn't want to look at him when he did it, I was too embarrassed because he was seeing me like this... he was seeing my manhood. I pulled a heavy whiff of air through my nose and heard the loud rip, clenching my teeth as I hissed through them loudly, not wanting to scream. My throat throbbed aggressively from screaming, my eyes swollen and itchy from crying, my cheeks wet and sticky from tears, I wanted to go hide in a corner and never return. I slowly pulled my eyes open as I prayed that we were now finished, I whimpered as the man moved closer to me but he luckily wasn't holding another paraffin paper in his hand, nor the stir stick.

"He's ready." The worker said sternly, his stoic face staring at me so blankly.

Ready? Ready for what? Wasn't I punished enough? This made me sob only more, wiggling in my restraints as I shook my head at the worker, I didn't want to do anything else, I wanted to go to my cell and cry myself to sleep.

"Clementine..." A deep voice echoed doubtfully, making me immediately freeze because of the familiar tone.

It was his fault I was attached to this bed right now, getting my... my manhood waxed of any small growth I had finally gotten. I turned my head slightly as he came into my peripheral vision, I didn't trust him and I would never trust him again, I stared at him before looking at the suddenly trustful worker that was starting to leave. I didn't want him to leave me with this monster, this was no man, he was a MONSTER! I turned my attention back to Mr. Joseph, watching as he moved slightly closer and leaned down close to me, my teary eyes watched his every move as he lifted his hand and gently stroked my cheek, collecting a tear. I fearfully turned my head away, he wasn't trustworthy of my life or my actions, I could never trust someone like him. He moved his hand away and stared at me, making me nervously glance around for the door he came through, maybe I can escape out of it. I nibbled on my bottom lip, looking up at my restrained right arm before looking back at Mr. Joseph as he followed where I had glanced and a sneaky smile came over his face, I hate his sneaky smiles.

"You want to leave, don't you?" He asked in a very strong tone, inching closer to my face.

"P-Please..." I begged, blinking rapidly to fight the flood of tears swelling up.

"But why?" Mr. Joseph asked. "Why would you leave me? All alone by myself? Don't you trust me?" He continued.

He reached up and gently rubbed my nose, making me flinch as I stared at him in confusion while wondering what exactly he was up to, why was he asking these questions? I blinked and glanced at my restrained feet before looking back at Mr. Joseph as his eyes trailed my exposing body, I blinked and watched on as they lingered on my manhood. He moved closer, grabbing it gently around the base and moving it around slowly, as if he was examining it. I gasped in shock, him touching my manhood was beyond the goal of any man, his hand was so warm and soft, comforting as I closed my eyes and willed the sensation to disappear. I released a louder gasp as he started to gently stroke it around the base, making me immediately open my eyes and stare at him in awe that he was doing this, he was a man and I was a man. I stared at Mr. Joseph, blinking nervously as he smiled and gently released me, I was happy he was being very gentle but why did he care if I felt pain or not? It was his fault I was being treated like this anyway, I pulled against my restraints once more as Mr. Joseph smiled down at me in an almost eager way that made my skin crawl, what exactly was he up to?


I frowned as I slowly lifted my head, my neck and shoulders cramped as I looked around to find myself in a metal box, a large metal box with a set of medical tools on a tray near me. I glanced around slowly to take everything in accurately, I had no idea how I got here and when I got here, but that punishment Mr. Joseph inflicted was the last thing I remember. I had been tied to my bed and waxed of any tiny hairs that had managed to grow with my manhood, at least around my manhood. I hiccupped, catching the attention of someone in a nearby chair as I heard soft steps coming in my direction.

"Well, good morning to you, Mr. Ryan." I looked up to a man as he stood in a white coat, as if that told me he knew what he was doing. "Ah, well... it's more like afternoon, I see you slept well."

"W-Who are you?" I asked unsurely, why was I in here?

"My name is Dr. Flanton, I'm going to start your procedure today." Dr. Flanton spoke, making me frown as I tried to think of what procedure I was suppose to have today, I knew nothing of a procedure.

"What procedure?" I asked, getting silence as an answer in return. "What procedure!" I demanded suddenly, taking even myself by surprise. 

"Just relax, Mr. Ryan." Dr. Flanton whispered loud enough for me to hear as he grabbed a face mask, making me fight against the restraints, or at least try to. 

He quickly moved the face mask over my face as my eyes widened from reflex, I stared at him in complete fear as I found no more strength to struggle and a woozy feeling immediately flood over my body. I stared into his pale green eyes that were dead with emotion as he stared back at me, my head thumped the back of the cushion on the examination table below, it felt something like a dentist chair. I felt a tear streak down my face as I tried to hold my eyes open, I tried to move away from the face mask but it was useless as the woozy feeling continued to settle within me and my vision blurred. I couldn't stop my eyes from slowly shutting and putting a end to my struggle, fear encased me as I fell into the depths of the dark beneath me and I couldn't even hear my own screams.

I coughed, dropping the cigarette I was once holding in my hand as I reached up to wipe at my nose because of the sensation of something splattering, I looked at the blood on my hand and groaned angrily at the reminder to why my nose was bleeding. I knew that Mr. Jefferson couldn't control himself and I felt the worse one because I had reacted in a bad way myself, his head-butt damn near knocked me unconscious in front of everyone,  and it's what made me react the way I did. I reached for the box of tissue just as my door immediately swung open to reveal an angry woman, I stared at him momentarily before sighing and gesturing to the chair facing my desk knowingly as I leaned back in my leather one. 

Rose PetalsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя