Chapter Seven

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I cut my eyes to the door as I heard a sharp knock that caused me to pause Amalia Jefferson, Mr. Jefferson's daughter, amongst her raging as she tearfully tried to reason with me, Mr. Jefferson was no longer stable enough to stay in my asylum, and it was with good reason. I raised to my feet and walked around my desk as she patiently waited, bothering to leave her tears running down her face instead of taking the chance to wipe them, as she wanted me to feel pity. I had none left.

I grabbed the handle, pausing to make sure I had no blood present on my face before swinging the door open broadly, I raised a questioning brow at Dale, who presented a stoic-faced patient to me. I immediately smiled kindly at Clementine as she stared at me, her unknowingly drooling while her milky-white eyes glittered like crystals as they wandered carelessly along the patterned walls, but was she truly seeing? I moved forward, carefully grabbing Clementine's shoulders and running my hands soothingly from the shoulder to the elbow then back to the shoulder, I knew it would easily sooth her as she possibly unseeingly stared.

"Where's Dr. Flanton?" I asked calmly as possible, not wanting the freshly lobotomized patient to freak out from the sudden change. "She should not be up and walking, no should her eyes be unwrapped. It's exposing her scars to any bacteria in the air and she could possibly get an infection, and we surely do not want that, do we, Clementine?" I expected no answer back, but patiently waited.


My eyebrows flared as I moved a step in closer, I grabbed Clementine's hand and gently cupped my large ones around her frail ones, I eyed her closely while waiting for any response of the sort. Anything that told me there was a fragment of Clement somewhere in there, which I prayed was the answer, Clement couldn't be gone completely... could he? I reached up and cupped her cheeks, I frowned at her chilled cheeks as she stoically stared onward into my chest, but I still didn't know if her pearly eyes was seeing or not. I looked at Dale with realization that he had never replied, instead he stared at Clementine as well, watching for any sigh of a living being there. I turned my attention back to Clementine before glancing at the empty chair along side Amalia, who had started fanning her exposed flesh with a makeshift fan, her chestnut brown hair flying up and down with every wisp she blew upon herself.

I moved aside and grabbed ahold of Clementine's waist from behind, I had hoped she would jump in fear or at least move away with uncertainty but I received neither and it made my nervousness grow even heavier. I gently led Clementine forward, watching as she causally drug one foot before the other, barely lifting her feet from the ground as she managed to stumble along but luckily I was holding her weight in place so she didn't fall. My anger soared immediately, Clementine didn't remember how to walk, possibly she didn't remember how to speak either. This was wrong... this was all wrong. I felt the coiling of my stomach as the anger splurged through my veins, I had done such a stupid act and it was possibly costing me now. I sat Clementine carefully down, her body rigid and mostly motionless as I placed her hands carefully in her lap as she stoically stared forward, it was as if she was in a deep daze. I nibbled on my lip as I knelt before her, reaching up and gently caressing her waxed chin.

"Retrieve Dr. Flanton immediately." I told Dale without actually acknowledging his presence with eye contact.

I heard him immediately shuffle away as I turned to look at Amalia, who was nervously looking at Clementine, I needed her to leave before I exploded, as me punching her father is definitely enough for her to ruin the face of my father's asylum. However, Amalia luckily only cared of her father's healthy and the ability for us to keep him locked up where he was under twenty-four/seven care, not that she never got to see him or that he always got into an aggressively physical state. She stared onward, casting a glance at me before looking back at a stoic Clementine.

"Mrs. Jefferson, I apologize but I'm going to have to cut our meeting short." I attempted, pulling myself to a standing position as I watched her unbutton two buttons of her shirt while causally fanning herself.

"But Mr. Joseph, we are in such an important conversation, about my Father and as you know, I really care about his health and I'm willing to do anythin-" Amalia raised to her feet, taking a small step toward me rather sensually.

I leaned back against my desk, sizing up her gorgeous legs as she exposed them from the small gown she wore to visit me upon my call for her retrieval, which I was sure she purposely wore just to tease me. Amalia Jefferson was surely a beautiful woman, her gorgeous green eyes glittered with hope whenever she visited me, and her body was such a banger that I sometimes questioned myself to why I hadn't tried to have a go with her. I was sure her beautiful legs wrapped around my waste would surly fuel any fire that had me guessing to please her. I wanted to please her, she was so astonishing and dead set on having a round of her own with me, I was positive she wanted me. I stared her down hungrily, I was always awestruck by any woman with beautiful legs, I loved to vision them encasing me as she would scream at the top of her lungs for me to ruthlessly fuck her until she fell asleep. Amalia appeared to be the type that would snooze after a long night, Clementine did as well... Clementine. I whipped my head in Clementine's direction, immediately reliving the worrying creeping in my blood as I looked back at Amalia, who had inched yet closer.

"I really apologize, Mrs. Jefferson, truly. Surely our conversation we can tend to in the morrow? Any time you can mak-" I started, reaching forward and easing my hand into Clementine's, waiting for a reaction to take place.

Nothing... again.

"Yes, Mr. Joseph. Thank you." I barely heard as I dropped to a knee once more, hoping Dale would hurry back with Dr. Flanton so I could question him properly.

This was bad... this was all bad.

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