Chapter 0

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"Throughout life, people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, because hate in your heart will consume you too"

-Will Smith

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Every hundred years, twins are born in the Akiyama and the Kanoe family. Descending from a blood line of Gods, the newborns receive the power of four Elements passed down by their ancestors. The Elements that they acquire are Earth, Water, Fire and Air. Those who carry the powers of The Elements within them are called by the name of Yōso, meaning Element. The Yōso are often feared and misunderstood, due to their other-worldly abilities, which can not be explained.

The Kanoe family members are one of the most influential people in the industrial world for centuries. Being able to manipulate the Water and Earth elements, the families success was not a shock. With no sense of guilt, the Kanoe's harboured their possessions in secret. Hidden far away from the real world, the Kanoe's Yōso were raised as out-backs of the family. Not loved, but feared. 

The Akiyama's were never as influential or powerful as the Kanoe's. On the contrary, they lived peacefully somewhere deep within the mountain Takao. With Air and Fire on their side, the family never worried about being cold during the winter. Akiyama's Yōso were raised as peasant children, they were hard-working and restless. They were taught power control and how to use their precious gifts. As war reports have shown, many of Akiyama Yōso have been useful during many wars that struck the country. Some went down in History books for their marvelous work, even though not much was ever found nor known about the Akiyama family itself.

The Kanoe and Akiyama families had an alliance that has lasted centuries. The heirs, Yōso, would be married off to one other. There was no secret why the Kanoe's were eager about the marriages between the Family members. When two Yōso with different elements marry, and happen to bring a healthy child to the world, their child immediately inherits one of the elements. After many years, as the Kanoe abused the loop hole of the prophecy in order to achieve power and success, the Akiyama's had declared war between the two families. With very different perspectives and  interpretations of how the other-worldly powers should be used, the families would never get in contact with one another nor let the Feud between them end.




Lots of Love, Kaji

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