chapter 47

567 19 15

Nine days left.

The countdown felt so much closer to zero as it dipped under ten. I hadn't packed yet because that meant it was really happening and I wasn't ready for that.

Not yet.

I honestly still wanted to stay, but there was no point in protesting anymore.

Tyler was gone, and I didn't really know what to do. Usually I spent every moment with her, but today I'd woken up to a note that said he'd be back later and a dress.

We still hadn't announced our engagement to anyone, not even Josh, so I figured that was probably what we were doing. I didn't want his family to hate us for being so young, but he was the one. I knew it.

"Josh? Can you come here for a second?" I said, sitting quietly and messing with the ring. His proposal was beautiful and unexpected. I cried and laughed and smiled. It was definitely the most beautiful thing anyone had ever done to me.

"What's up, (Y/N)?" he asked, sitting next to me. I held up my hand, Tyler's ring glistening on my finger. "Are you...?"

"Engaged? Yes." He looked at me, shocked, before he hugged me.

"Congrats! That's amazing!" he exclaimed, grinning. "I'm so happy for you two."

"Thank you... but don't tell anyone. We haven't announced it yet. I think we're doing that later," I explained. He nodded.

"Okay, I won't." We stood up, and hugged again. "You two are meant to be." I smiled at him. I knew it was true.

"Crazy to think we were just two high school kids and now I'm going off to college." Saying it now, for some reason, felt right. I was doing this. It was happening.

I was going to college.

It didn't give me the same rush of heartbreak. I was going to do this. I had to, I needed to. It was happening.

My phone dinged with a text. It was Tyler.

Be home soon. Love you.

I texted back a simple "you too" and went into my room. I looked around at the things I'd be leaving. A dresser full of my clothes. The bed with rumpled sheets. A bookcase of things Tyler and I had read.

On the nightstand, a picture of the two of us. We were standing together, smiling at the camera. Next to it was another frame with a picture of Tyler and Josh together. I laughed.

I sat down on the bed, about to lay down, when Tyler texted me again. Park, 5 minutes. I put my phone in my pocket, walked outside, and got into the car. I wonder why he wanted me to go to the park.

I parked and got out, seeing him on a bench. Because it was dark, there was almost no one there. I went and sat next to him, smiling. He looked at me.

"We need to talk," he said. My first reactions was confused, then concerned. "I think you should stay?"

"What?" I looked at him in shock. "Tyler, what're you talking about?"

"You shouldn't go off to college." I couldn't believe he was saying this.

"You were the one who talked me into going," I answered. "I got plane tickets."

"Well you can refund them." He put his hand on mine. "Come on. You said you wanted to stay."

"Tyler I have to go, and you know it. I wanted to stay, but I need to go to college," I said, my voice shaking.

"Oh, so you want to leave me? Is that what you're saying?" Tyler asked, sounding angry. "You don't want to stay with me."

"That's not what I'm saying and you know it, Tyler," I said, upset. "You can't expect me to abandon my future."

"Your future? What about our future?" He was clearly getting frustrated. "You're just abandoning me?"

"Are you kidding me? After all I've done and you're accusing me of this. I stood by you through hospitals, through countless nights and days, through fights and fears and forgetting and lying. Rosa kissed you and you didn't even tell me but I was mad about it for about five minutes. You said I wasn't your soulmate and I stayed! I could have left at anytime, I could've abandoned you for any reason but now that I have a dream to pursue you say I'm abandoning you?!" I yelled, not being able to contain myself. "You're right, maybe I don't want to stay. Not if by staying in losing my dream to someone who would get rid of me for following it."

He didn't say anything at first, but he slowly stood up.

"Okay," he said softly as he stood up and walked away, away from where we were sitting. I stood up and walked to my car, getting in the driver's seat. The initial anger had fallen away and I was left with the realization of what I had just said.

I put my head in my hands and I cried.

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