chapter 39

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A/N: this is set in day nine, but this is how josh and Tyler's fam reacted. do you guys like the story so far? Should I stop at ch50??
I'd been with Tyler's family all day. Today was the last day before they would take him off of life support. (Y/N) hadn't called and updated us on anything, and naturally I assumed the worst. But I hid these opinions from Tyler's family.

"Anything yet?" Madison asked, walking into the living room where I was sitting. Her eyes were red and swollen from constant crying. I shook my head. "I hope he's okay."

"He will be, Madison. He's got to be. This coma was unexpected. He has things to live for," I soothed, although most of my speech was targeted towards myself. I was honestly terrified. Every day after (Y/N) talked to him, she came back to his apartment, sobbing. Even the days when she tried to seem happy.

"Let me know when you hear something, alright?" Madison asked. I nodded. She faked a slight smile and walked out of the room. I returned to stressing. I needed something to distract myself.

When we were up late with (Y/N), she'd always make ramen and tea. I grabbed two pots and put the noodles in one and water in the other. She used special ingredient for both, but since she wasn't answering, I just did it myself. It wasn't as good but it calmed me down a little bit.

"It's like he has some sort of power. I've never seen him hurt."

"He used to be invincible."

Both were lines that (Y/N) had spoken. One was before the accident, and one was after. Honestly, it was heartbreaking. They were both my best friends. Seeing (Y/N) completely destroyed and Tyler a day from death was the worst thing that could ever happen. All of us were heartbroken.

Tyler and I had made a promise. We stuck together through everything. Including life and death. I didn't plan to die, but then again, neither did he. No, I couldn't.

"Promise to protect her. Whoever she will be."

I'd made a promise to Tyler. When— If. If he died, I'd have to stay and look after her. After (Y/N). He wouldn't want anyone else to. It would never happen, though. They were soulmates. She'd never get over him. She'd never love anyone else. Every person she'd compare to him.

"See that guy over there? He was at the concert. He held his girlfriend like he could protect her from anything. I know because Tyler held me like that."

She thought about him often, obviously. She'd see couples on the street and it would remind her of something they'd done together. It was adorable. They were nothing short of the perfect couple.

"I can't lose her, Josh. She thinks all of this was her fault. It isn't. I love her."

"I can't lose him, Josh. I didn't think this would ever happen. He was perfectly fine until he wasn't. I wish I could've saved him. I love him."

Tyler knew that she'd blame herself. She always did. She blamed herself for the concert collapsing and for the car crash. I could tell that people often thought it was selfish but she truly believed that she was the cause of it. I didn't find it annoying, at all, ever. I always thought it was sad that she blamed herself.

"It isn't her fault."

I could practically hear Tyler's voice in my head. Cracked, hollow, sad. She was in surgery when he said that. It was awful to see him go through that. I'd never seen him so truly sad. He went from nonstop crying to being quiet and sad until he got to see her again. She was doing the same thing.

My phone rang, and I jumped. I thought it was (Y/N). Bad news? Good news? I almost answered, but it wasn't her who was calling. It was a business number. 

"Hello?" I asked, answering.

"Is this Josh Dun?" a woman asked on the other end.

"Yes, this is. How can I help you?" I was shaking uncontrollably.

"This is The Basement." I breathed a sigh of relief and disappointment. Relief because it meant nothing was wrong. Disappointment because one, I had to cancel our concert, and two, I still hadn't heard anything. "We're calling to confirm your concert with us next Saturday."

"I'm really sorry, but we'll have to cancel. Because of uh... unforeseen circumstances," I mumbled. I was hoping that they'd gotten the message.

"Okay. You'll have to handle refunds, though, we can't do that," they said. I agreed and hung up. Still no calls, no texts, no news. I couldn't bear waiting any longer. I was about to call her when the phone rang. It was her. I picked up and I heard crying. My heart sank.

"(Y/N), I'm so sorry," I began, but she cut me off.

"It's not like that. He's not going to die. He woke up, Josh. He woke up!" she exclaimed. I jumped out of my chair.

"Be right there." I hung up. "Everyone, get in the car! Now!" Tyler's parents were working, but Jay, Zack, and Madison ran down the stairs. I got in the driver's seat, but Madison stopped me. I looked at her. She was so young. Zack was only a year younger than Tyler, but Madison and Jay were still kids. I was surprised at how mature she was.

"Is he dead?" she asked, tears beginning to pool in her eyes.

"No. Not even close. He's awake, Madison. He woke up."

lead singer || a tyler jøseph x reader Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα