chapter 40

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A/N not related to the story but did y'all see The Last Jedi???? it was so good, my favorite by faaaar

I couldn't help myself. I hadn't left the hospital bed since he'd woken up out of fear that it would happen again. I couldn't lose him again. I checked the clock. Seven A.M.

I softly traced his face with my fingers, committing all of the curves and creases to memory. He stirred, but remained asleep. I smiled.

Josh and Madison were coming to see him again in a few hours. They came to visit often. I loved how much everyone's faces lit up when they were all together.

I looked at Tyler's beautifully peaceful face. I would've lost him three days ago if he hadn't woken up. The thought of it still filled me with terror. I loved him so much, but I didn't realize the capacity of it until I almost lost him. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if he died. I loved him so much.

"Hey, you're still here," he said quietly, opening his eyes. A smile spread across his face. "Good morning."

"Hey there, Ty," I said, running my hands through his hair. "How are you doing?"

"Good." He looked up at me, focusing on my eyes. "You know, I heard what you said to me." I looked at him in surprise.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean every day I heard you. Josh showed me all of the recordings. It broke my heart when you were crying," he said sadly.

"Oh. I'm sorry." I turned my head away, embarrassed. He reached up a shaky hand and turned my head back towards him.

"Don't be sorry. It means a lot that you talked to me." He smiled. His lips were cracked and dry, and his eyes showed sadness.

"I love you," I replied, leaning down and kissing him gently. His smile grew wider and his eyes had a little twinkle. He once again placed his hand on my face, but this time he just looked at me lovingly.

"I love you too, Sunshine." I felt overjoyed at the use of the nickname. Sure, it was silly, but he'd remembered. That's what meant something to me. And I loved the way he looked at me. He looked at me like he was studying me, but with so much love.

"Your eyes are beautiful," I complemented. His face turned red but he smiled. I was truly being honest. Even before we'd dated, I'd thought he was extremely cute.

"You're the prettiest girl I've ever seen," he said. I watched as he furrowed his brow, trying to remember something. He'd been doing that a lot the past few days. "Can you... can you tell me your name again?" I could tell he was worried that I'd be upset with him.

"My name is (Y/N) (M/N) (L/N), but you call me (Y/N) or Sunshine," I answered, still smiling. He nodded, still thinking.

"Okay. Thank you, Sunshine. I'm going to call you Sunshine from now on. Is that alright?"

"Of course it's alright!" His face lit up as I spoke. I helped him lift his bed so he could sit up and look around.

"Hey, Tyler," Josh said softly, walking into the room. Tyler's smile grew. "How are you doing?"

"I'm doing good, Joshua Dun, how about you?" He seemed proud that he'd remembered Josh's name. I scooted away from the bed so Josh could sit closer to him.

"I'm doing great. I missed ya, bud. We all did," Josh said, smiling sadly. "Your sister's here."

"Maddy is here?" he asked. "Can I see her? I haven't seen her." Josh looked at him sadly. Madison had come to the hospital the day he'd woken up. It seemed like he didn't remember random tidbits.

"Hey, Tyler!" Madison said, entering the room. She wasn't wearing any makeup, but she looked gorgeous as usual. "It's me."

"I know who you are. You're my sister," he said. "You're Maddy." He blinked a few times before speaking again. "You look different."

"I don't have makeup," she answered.

"You look very nice." He smiled at her, and she smiled back. "How's everyone else?"

"Mom and Dad are good. The boys are good. We're all good, except we miss you a lot."

"I miss you guys too. I don't know when I'm getting out of here. Do you?"

"No, they didn't tell me either."

"Oh, good. I thought I forgot." The way he said it broke my heart. He clearly always had no idea the boundaries of his memory. I wondered if he remembered when I had amnesia....

*time skip: 2 hours later*

Madison and Josh had left, and now it was the two of us. Just the two of us.

"Don't feel bad about your memory. I had amnesia once, too. And you still took care of me," I said. He looked over at me.

"I didn't forget. I remember every single day with you in it." He smiled a little as he began to sing. "I know I'm in love with you."

"Oh, Tyler," I said happily. "I'm so glad you remember that."

"I remember when I finally worked up the nerve to kiss you. I almost did, that one night when we were working on the song. But I didn't want to ruin anything. I was so scared you were going to push me away." He grabbed my hand and held it in his. "When we kissed pfor the first time, I knew that you were the one. I'd never felt that way about anyone."

"How do you remember all of this? I mean, I remember it, but my amnesia made things foggy... how?" I asked.

"Love can blind you, but it makes things clear for me. I couldn't ever forget you. You don't forget the love of your life. Just because I can't remember your name doesn't mean I can't remember you."

"Tyler, I love you. I love you so much."

"I love you too." He grinned. "Can I get a kiss?"

"Of course." I kissed him, the same way he'd kissed me for the first time.

I could only hope that it wouldn't be the last time.

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