chapter 24

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I tried to get onto the stage but I was shoved away by security guards who were furiously reaching at the band members onstage.

"TYLER!" I screamed, and I grabbed his hand. Frantically, I climbed onstage as more chunks fell. As I heard a cracking, I shoved Tyler off of the stage and tried to find Josh. He was surrounded by a pile of rocks, dirt, and dust. I tried to uncover him, but I couldn't. Tyler was dragging me away as fast as he could.

"Don't go back, (Y/N). We can't go back. It's going to kill both of us," Tyler said.

"We have to go! We have to get Josh!" I cried, fighting his grasp. He was stronger, though, and he dragged me outside. I couldn't breathe. It felt like the world was being pressed onto my chest.

"They're going to get him, (Y/N). They will find him. It's okay. It's alright." Tyler held me close and rubbed my back, but his words meant little. I couldn't focus.

It was all my fault.

I had advertised the show, and now I watched as people were rushed outside with their loved ones, little by little. I recognized a woman with dyed blue hair, who was going around and making sure everyone was okay. Eventually, as I had anticipated, she made her way over to us.

"You're Tyler, aren't you?" she asked, and he nodded. "I'm Marcy. I'm a huge fan. I won't bother you for pictures or anything, but I saw you with her and I wanted to know if you needed anything." Her smile was so kind and I noticed that she had sweet little dimples. I stood up, reached out, and hugged her. She seemed surprised, but hugged me back. Her eyes reminded me of someone.

"I'm (Y/N), Tyler's girlfriend," I said as I pulled away. "Thank you so much. I've seen you helping everyone, and it means a lot. By any chance have you seen Josh brought out here?" Josh. Her eyes reminded me of Josh.

"I haven't," she said. "But the paramedics are just getting in. I'm sure he will be out soon." She smiled slightly. "I'm going to go check up on a few others, alright? I'll come back on check on you. Stay strong, sweetheart." She kisses my forehead. She was so young, maybe 16 at the oldest, but she was so kind. She made me feel like everything would be okay.

"She was so nice. And gorgeous, inside and out," I said, and she smiled and blushed as she walked away. I was glad that she had heard me.

"I know," Tyler answered. He grabbed my arms and helped me sit down by him on the bench. "I love you. It's going to be okay."

Paramedics were bringing out people on stretchers. Unconscious, bleeding people. I turned my head away, trying to stop myself from staring. I hated the thought that Josh could be any one of them.

"I love you too. Tell me if you see Josh, please." I felt him nod. My head was buried in his shoulders and my arms were wrapped tightly around him. I was shaking from both cold and fear, and he kept me warm. I heard footsteps. "Marcy?"

"You guessed it," she answered, sitting by me. I lifted my head off of Tyler. "How's everything going?"

"Good," I said. "You're so sweet to be going around. How old are you?" She smiled and brushed a little hair out of her face.

"Fifteen," she replied. "I came here with my sister, but I haven't seen her yet." She looked a little sad, and I grabbed her hand.

"I know you'll see her soon. What does she look like?" I asked. Tyler kissed the top of my head gently. I could tell that he was happy that I was talking.

"She has red hair. Natural red. And green eyes. And brown glasses." She fidgeted with her bracelets.

"We'll let you know if we see her," Tyler said. "Thank you, Marcy." She nodded and walked away.

Paramedics came out and started checking people.

I didn't want them to check me. I was nervous that they would find something wrong. It seemed like they were only inspecting the obviously injured people. At least, that was what I understood. I couldn't really tell what they were doing. I was terrified and disoriented.

And then they stopped bringing people out.

"Where's Josh?" I said, standing up. "WHERE'S JOSH?" I was yelling. I couldn't help repeating myself. "WHERE'S JOSH? WHERE'S JOSH? WHERE'S JOSH?!" I was shaking and my knees felt weak. I didn't even know where I was.

I felt nauseous. I watched as vomit spilled out of my mouth. Red. Red wasn't good. I heard someone screaming. I didn't know who it was. I couldn't tell.

I watched as a mask was placed over my face. Breathe in, breathe out.



I started shaking and panicking. I was pressed against a stretcher. The world felt calm, eerily calm.

And then everything faded to black.

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