chapter 12

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"(Y/N), (Y/N), wake up, Sunshine," I heard Tyler whisper. "Hey, Sunshine."

"Tyler?" I asked, opening my eyes.

"It's time to take Josh home," he said smiling. I sat up and brushed my messy hair out of my eyes. I looked in a mirror placed near the hospital bed and saw a girl with messy hair, tired eyes, and looking sickly.

"Ew," I said, messing with my hair.

"What's wrong, beautiful?" Tyler said, walking over to me and putting his arm around me. I turned around and hugged him as tightly as I could. He stood there in surprise for a second but then hugged me back.

"I love you more than anything. I'm so glad you didn't get hurt. I can't live without you. I can't. I just love you. I love you so much. You have such a kind heart, and an amazing personality, and you're the greatest guy in the whole entire world. I love you," I said. I heard him sniff.

"I love you more than my words can even say. You're beautiful, and perfect, and your smile lights up the world, and, I can't even imagine my world without you in it. You saved me," he said, sounding choked up. He cleared his throat. "Thank you."

"Anytime, Sunshine," I answered, smiling at him. He quickly wiped his eyes with the collar of his shirt, and a doctor walked in.

"Ready to take your friend home?" she asked, smiling kindly. I didn't recognize her, but she was clearly a great doctor, as she didn't rush us and she was calm.

"You bet," I answered, and we followed her over to Josh, who was sitting in a wheelchair. "A wheelchair?! Is he paralyzed?"

"It's just policy, sweetheart," the doctor said, laughing. "He will be fine." She walked over to a different area and came back carrying crutches, which I assumed were for Josh. She pushed the wheelchair over to the doors, where Tyler ran out and pulled the car up.

His car.

Nervously I sat in the back next to Josh, who bucked up immediately without problem. Tyler sat in the front, gripping the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles turned white. I buckled up and closed my eyes, focusing on my breathing.

"Turn right," Tyler's GPS barked, breaking my concentration. I stared out the window, but all of the passing cars gave me chills. I didn't know what to do.

"Stop, there's a red light," I mumbled. "Slow down."

"I got it, (Y/N)," Tyler said.

"Watch out for the cars," I said again. "No right turns."

"(Y/N)! STOP! I'M TRYING TO DRIVE!" he yelled, obviously frustrated. I blushed.

"Sorry, Tyler," I said quietly. I tried not to say anything else, but without focusing on what to do next, I panicked. "Turn left down this road but be careful-"

"THIS CAR IS GOING TO CRASH IF YOU DON'T SHUT UP!" Tyler yelled. Both Josh and I looked at him in shock. I'd never seen Tyler so mad.

Shakily, I stopped talking, scared of what Tyler would say or do at my next outburst.

Tyler successfully got us home.

I helped Josh inside and none of us said a word until I sat down on the couch.

"I'm so sorry," Tyler said, sitting down.

"It's fine," I answered.

"It's not. I'm so sorry," he said, sitting by me. He was silent for a second, and then he realized something. "It was helping you calm down, right?"

I looked into his sad eyes and nodded.

"Oh, oh my gosh, (Y/N), I'm so sorry," he said, putting his head in his hands. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it!"

"Tyler, it's okay, honey," I said, opening my arms and offering myself to a hug. He hugged me tightly, and Josh smiled.

"Let's go outside," Josh suggested. We nodded and went to go sit on Tyler's porch, relaxing. I hugged Tyler close.

"You love her so much, but you can't even tell her that you cheated on her," a girl's voice spoke up. Immediately, I froze and pulled away from him.


"What?!" Tyler yelled.

"You heard me. Cheated," she accused, and turned to Tyler. "See?" She held up her phone, showing a picture of her and Tyler kissing.

"She kissed me! I swear!" Tyler said, looking at me. "Please, (Y/N), believe me."

"Do you have any other pictures you'd like me to see?" I said angrily, looking at Rosa.

"That's, uh, that's it," she said, ashamed. "Good luck sweetheart." She blew a kiss at Tyler and he looked disgusted as she walked away. Immediately I stood up and started walking towards my house.

"(Y/N)!" Tyler yelled, running over to me. "Please believe me. I could never cheat on you. I wouldn't! Ever!"

"I believe you," I said, teary-eyed. For a moment we just stood there, staring at each other. He looked confused. I kissed him quickly yet deeply, and his confusion was replaced by a look of surprise. "I have to go."

"But, but, (Y/N), I love you," he said.

I didn't answer back. I only walked.

Step by step.

Tyler's words rang in my head.

I love you.

All the memories instantly came flooding back.

Our sleepovers. Our duet. My first time meeting Josh. Our standing ovation. Our first kiss. My first time hearing his band.

I started to cry.

I began walking over to him, when I stopped. He had his ukulele in his hands and he was playing a song. The chords were familiar. I walked a little bit closer.

"You are my sunshine," he sang. "My only sunshine." He looked at my tear-stained face as I walked towards him.

Step by step.

"You make me happy when skies are gray."

I was just down the sidewalk now.

"You'll never know dear, how much I love you," he said. I ran over to him and he hugged me, kissing me and holding me there.

Quietly, he whispered a sentence in my ear.

"Please don't take my sunshine away."

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