"Evie, you have to go down to the office and take your bag" she said as she hung the phone back on the wall and walked back over to her desk. I frowned and nodded, grabbing my bag and shoving my notebook and homework book back in my bag I made my way out the class and down to the office.

What do they want? I scanned my brain looking for answers but unfortunately came up with none. Maybe Jays not well and they can't get a hold of mum and dad considering they are on their way to Hawaii for their anniversary. That's completely not fair that they wouldn't let us go because we have school. While they bathe in the sun, I have to sit through endless hours of teachers lecturing us and rambling on about a bunch of shit I couldn't care about, yay go education.

I stood outside the office window and waited on one of them noticing me. You may be wondering why I don't just chap on the window, well the answer to that is because they are all a load of menopausal bitches who moan the second you interrupt their very busy day, cause you know this isn't part of their job description. Like I said before, note the sarcasm.

After standing there for what felt like centuries underneath the air conditioning which was bloody freezing, one of them dragged their fat asses up off their chair long enough to see what I wanted. She opened the window and glared at me. "I got called down" I spoke calmly as I readjusted my bag strap on my shoulder.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"Eva Hale" I said. She frowned then after a minute recognition shone in her eyes then her face fell into pity.

"Go round to the door sweetie and I'll buzz you in" she gave a small smile and walked over to the office door. What was that about? I've never seen or heard any of them give a shit before. I have a bad feeling about this. I walked over to the door and waited as she walked over and let me in. She gave me the same sad smile as she walked me down the corridor and into one of the small offices.

"Take a seat" a women who I didn't recognise said. I walked in and sat down, placing my bag between my legs. I looked at them. They were the police. Her and her partner wore the normal police uniform as they leaned back against the office desk. What have I done? I began to panic. I clasped my hands together tightly and my knuckles turned white with the amount of pressure I was putting on them. I felt my heart beat quicken. They scanned my face and body language before one of them spoke.

"Don't worry, you are not in trouble we are here to speak to you and your brother, Jason I believe?" the male officer said who I hadn't properly noticed until now. I nodded. Somehow that just made me worry more. It's got to be bad news, it has to be. What else will they be here to talk about? How good a citizen we are? Ha now that's a laugh.

"What is it you want to talk about?" I looked up to them and asked when I got the courage.

"I believe it would be in your best interest to wait until your brother got here" the women spoke. I nodded again and looked down towards my hands. Hurry up Jay for crying out loud. After a few more uncomfortable minutes the door burst open and in walked my brother. His hair was messed up and his shirt was sticking out from his trousers, his tie was crooked and his jumper was tied around his waist. I'm guessing he was in PE there.

"Sorry I was late, I was in PE" he said breathing heavily and gave a smile as he sauntered over to the chair beside me. I smiled at him and he returned it. He must not have the same bad feeling I'm feeling right now. He seems perfectly calm and collected. What is wrong with him? There is two police officers in the school wanting to talk to us.

"Right, now that we have you both in here we have some news that we are terribly sorry to have to give to you" the man spoke. I looked up to him and gripped my hands tighter together. Definitely bad news.

Everything Has ChangedМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя