The first thing that he did when he entered the school gate was calmly walk to his locker and get his chemistry book for homeroom along with his sketchbook.

After a few minutes, he had arrived at the homeroom door which was at the end of the school hall right next to a fully glass wall.

Jungkook leaned his back against the door and slid down until he was sitting on his butt with crossed legs. He calmly took his sketchbook out and opened to a new page, passing all the sketches of scenery that he had previously made.

Jungkook really loves scenery but it's ironic because he can only look at it from afar. If he were to get too close to trees, water, grass, or anything of the sort, the scent will flare his sensitive nostrils and make him really lightheaded. If he doesn't escape fast enough he will faint and be at risk of worse such as brain damage. This not only applies to the enviornment but also to perfume, chemicals, smoke, and basically anything that smells, including people which sucks as everything has some sort of smell.

Jungkook has never done a day of physical education in his entire life because that means either going outside or the overwhelming smell of B.O surrounding him which doesn't bode well for him in the long run.

Instead of P.E, he is sent to his mother's office where he will either do homework or sketch. Jungkook's mother is careful of not letting anything smell good or bad or too strong (including herself but that doesn't always work out for her) so that way Jungkook is able to actually take his mask off but not for too long.

Most people assume that Jungkook is a stuck-up bad boy because he don't participate in most events and he always hides behind a mask but really, he's just a sweet and shy alpha which is rare since most alpha's are cocky and rude. Jungkook is mostly feared around the school but he will also get bullied and picked on for being a loner.

Jungkook didn't want any pity so he told his mother to tell no one of his condition other than his teachers. Sunmi was reluctant but agreed anyways knowing that Jungkook was determined to not let anyone know.

Jungkook took out his pens, erasers, and colors and that all on his lap alongside his sketchbook and started to sketch out the outline of the cherry blossom tree outside of the glass window. He loves cherry blossoms but he can't do much about it now can he? He'd love to get under it and watch the blossoms fall over him but that wouldn't be able to happen. Jungkook draws his emotions so every time he feels happy, he'll draw it beautiful but since he is sad from thinking too much, he decided to draw it withered in the rain with cloudy skies and broken, dead branches surrounding it on the ground.

After adding some details here and there, he stood up and stretched his cramping legs. Then, Jungkook heard the sound of the building doors opening which was odd because no one comes at this hour.

His head snapped over to the sound and Jungkook saw a beautiful boy around his age walk in with wondering eyes and he looked like he was rushing until he saw me. When he saw me, he smiled and quickly walked over to me.

"Hi, I'm new here and I'm looking for the office of the school", the boy said and he had the most smooth and soothing voice that Jungkook has ever heard. After a few moments of being shocked at his perfect voice, Jungkook quickly brought himselfdown to Earth with a nervous clear of his throat.

"Oh, Jimin right? I'm Jungkook", he said friendly and bowed at Jimin, who bowed in response to be polite.

"Uhhh, yeah. Word already get around?", he asked with a chuckle.

"Kinda but I didn't know until my mom told me this morning. She's the principal, I'll take you to the office", Jungkook responded and started walking towards the office with Jimin trailing behind him.

Jungkook didn't know what came over him to be casually speaking with Jimin, a stranger. He would always stutter when talking to others and he'd also fidget around a lot when doing so. The only people he doesn't stutter around are his parents.

Once they arrived to the office, Jungkook knocked and let himself in to his mother's office.

"Mother, Jimin is here", Jungkook said and Jimin bowed at Sunmi as Jungkook stayed standing at the door trying to keep enough distance between him and Jimin so he wouldn't smell him.

Jimin turned to Jungkook, "Thank you for showing me the way here Jungkook", he said and pulled Jungkook into an embrace. Jungkook gasped as soon as Jimin's arm touched his shoulder. Jungkook's body felt tingly and he could feel his eyes turn his ranking color (alpha-red beta-blue omega-gold) of red. Quickly, Jimin pulled away with a gasp and Jungkook saw his beautiful looking gold eyes.

When Jimin hastily pulled away from the embrace, he accidently pulled Jungkook's mask down which caused Jungkook to rush to pull it back up but he smelled the most heavenly scent ever and it made him feel tingly but in a good way rather than bad. Jungkook noticed that scent was resonating off of Jimin and he pulled him back into an embrace so the smell was stronger.

His scent was the only scent Jungkook has ever been able to smell without fainting. It was like his scent of vanilla and choclate was zeroing out every other smell in this room.

"Cough cough guys cough cough", Sunmi said and when they pulled away she squealed rather loudly.

"MY SON FINALLY FOUND HIS MATE! OH MY GOD- AND HE CAN SMELL HIM!!", she practically yelled and ran over to them.

"You can smell him right?", she asked Jungkook when she noticed that his mask was barely hanging on his face and not covering his nose.

Jungkook quickly covered his nose and took a step back and nodded when she got too close and he started to feel dizzy.

"Oh shit, sorry", she said and quickly went back to behind her desk.

Jungkook took his hand off of his face and gave a smile "it's okay, you were just excited"

"Ummm...what are you guys talking about? Can Jungkook not smell or something?", a confused Jimin asked and he looked so cute.

"Well, Jungkook was born with a sensitive smell and if he smells anything too strongly he will feel dizzy and then faint. Unfortunately, since wolves have a good sense of smell, Jungkook smells everything strongly so he needs to wear a mask 24/7 and can't participate in many things. He also has no friends because everyone thinks that he's scary and they make fake stories about why he always has a mask on. Jungkook asked me not to tell anyone about why he wears a mask so no one knows why and they make stupid assumptions", Sunmi explained to Jimin.

Jimin was silent for a second, presumably processing everything, until he gasped and pulled Jungkook into yet another embrace and dug his face into Jungkook's neck.

At this action, Jungkook was able to actually take a wiff of Jimin's scent again and it calmed him down.

"So cute~!", Sunmi squealed causing Jimin to blush and bury himself into Jungkook's chest and neck more.

"I can't wait to get to know you more, Jungkook! It's clear we were made for eachother but I really don't want to rush into anything", Jimin said, "b-but, only if that's okay with you...?"

"Of course it would be okay with me. I wouldn't want to rush anything either! I really just want to take my time and get to know everything about you: your family, if you've ever had a pet, your favorite color, hobbies. I want to know everything. We have forever to be together so why not start working our way there now?", Jungkook said with a bunny smile.

Jimin gave Jungkook a loving smile with a look in his eye, love, of such an intensity he's never seen before. And that was the moment Jungkook knew for sure he was bewitched.

Your Scent - Jikook (Omegaverse Oneshot)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt