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"Come on Jungkook, hurry up!", Jungkook's mother slash the principal of his school named Jeon Sunmi or principal Jeon, yelled from downstairs.

"Okay! Okay!", he yelled back and sped up his pace in order to meet his mothers time crunch.

Werewolves have an enhanced sense of smell and to most that's a gift but to Jungkook- it's a nightmare. He was born sensative to basically any smell that there is, which is extremely uncommon for an alpha like him (it's actually just uncommon in general). He is forced to wear a mask for every hour of the day, though it doesn't completely cover the scents of things, it does dull it down for him well enough to not be too much of a big deal.

He quickly grabbed his backpack and phone and headed downstairs. After he checked and made sure he had everything he needed for school (and just entertainment purposes) he happily joined his mother.

(A/N: his outfit ↑)

"Alright, let's go!", Sunmi said cheerfully and pulled Jungkook out to their matte black coupé car of which was parked in the garage. The garage was dark and dusty but Jungkook managed to somehow safely make his way to the passenger side of the car with a smile chuckle and a thought in the back of his mind that he should probably try and clean this place soon.

Sunmi is a sweet omega but Jungkook and everyone around the Jeon family felt bad for her because Jeon Jaemin, Jungkook's father, is an idol and only comes home 2-3 times a month. She gets lonely a lot because she could never trust people to like her for her or just for her idol husband which causes Jungkook to, being the good, well mannered child he is, to always have to cheer her up. She loves when Jungkook has friends over because it makes her feel wanted and like she has a goal to do when she caters him and his friends. Sadly though, Jungkook has no friends and hasn't brought anyone home since he was 5 years old which was almost 13 years ago. Jungkook has the same thoughts his mother does about people using him as well, and even on top of that he is bullied every day so he really can't trust people.

Halfway through the drive, Sunmi turned down the music, which happened to be a foreign boy band named 'Nsync', and tried to get Jungkook's attention. Once Jungkook noticed, he quickly turned off his music and took out his earbuds and turned to her as a sign of respect.

"I forgot to tell you, a new student enrolled! He's a nice boy, I met him yesterday. He is in your grade as well. I hope you make friends with him, he has a nice sense of fashion and he seems like he wouldn't be...judgmental", she mumbled the last part.

"I'll try and make friends with him but only if he seems nice and truly doesn't judge me. We'll see how well that turns out though. What's his name?", Jungkook had asked his mother curiously.

"Oh! Right, it's Park Jimin. He's an omega too by the way so if you do make friends with him, try to not be too crazy as we omega's are sensitive and I wouldn't want you to ruin your first friendship within years. No offense", she explained and Jungkook mumbled a "none taken" and then they both unbuckled themselves as the car came to a stop at the front of the school, Cherry Blossom School of Arts.

"Alright, now get out. I best head to the office now", she smiled at Jungkook and then locked the car as they both walked in their opposite directions into the giant building.

They always get to school early since Sunmi's the principal and has to set everything up and check in on all the teachers. Jungkook always had the option of staying home longer and just taking the bus but he liked coming to school early to just explore and waste time. He always has to wait outside his homeroom for about 20 minutes anyways before the teacher actually shows up to let him in so he'd rather just look around.

Your Scent - Jikook (Omegaverse Oneshot)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora