Yandere! Hajime Hinata X Fem! Reader

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Sorry for not updating and stuff. Hajime should have been The blackened though. Anyways...
Word count:


WARNING: blood spill?, killing school trip, ahoges, ahoges everywhere, stalking, a lingerie thief, and a référence to Danganronpa's Funimation Dub


This was beyond insane. Beyond impossible. A killing game? Hosted by a pint-sized build-a-bear reject? He looked like he was serious, the worst part being that they were on a deserted island, there was just no way of escaping. There was no point in escaping. No one wanted to die just because they broke the rules. That seemed so unfair. Nobody trusted each other, they're all paranoid about who's going to kill who. Apparently, everyone on this island was a killer, everyone wanted to escape. But they didn't trust each other. At the same time, they could start making friends now so no one would die and alibis would exist. Yeah, that sounded better.

Then there were people like Hajime, a boy who was practically talentless. He didn't have a talent. He was the only one, so no one could relate to him, he thought he was meaningless in the world. He always admired Hope's Peak and wanted to attend, but since he didn't have a talent, he couldn't attend as a main student. There was an alternative: Reserve Course. He was a Reserve Course student, his parents paying so much money for him to go, so he had to do well. He would always feel despair crawl up his back and loom over him, this despair was tormenting him, for as long as he will live.

But then he saw her.


She was the most beautiful creature he's ever seen in his life. She had very (h/l) and beautiful (h/c) hair, her large, (e/c) orbs were illuminating against her soft, porcelain (s/c) skin. She stood out of the crowd in a way that Hajime thought was gorgeous. But with great beauty comes great danger...

There were other scumbags who wanted her. They didn't deserve her. Even him. He shouldn't be thinking of such, she only saw him as a Reserve Course student, in his imaginative mind. He believes that because he has no talent, she doesn't love him the way he does, but, if he did have a talent, then maybe she would love him. Better than most, no, better than all of them. There was no way that anyone was getting in the way of the unofficial relationship they have between each other. (Y/n) was his and his alone.


"So what are you doing later?", the small (h/c) asked the pink haired male standing before her. "Nothing much, just going to be in the electronics center. You know me!" Kazuichi exclaimed, then seemed to be launched into a spiel, passionately projecting his thoughts on mechanics. (Y/n) loves it when he's like this, it shows a childlike and more natural version of him. She was just standing there, quietly listening to his passionate talk of his interests, but she couldn't shake off the feeling like someone was watching her. She quickly scanned her surroundings, no one was there, so why couldn't the feeling just disappear into thin air? Why couldn't she feel safe? I mean, they were on an island with 15 other possible killers for crying out loud.

Kazuichi saw the look on her face, and somehow knew what she was thinking. "Hey, I'll stay with you if that's fine." (Y/n) almost felt a sense of security now that Kazuichi was going to be by her side to protect her, she felt safe around him. She still felt the feeling, but it wasn't as bad the first time she felt it.

A figure was quietly blending in with palm trees in the background, he watched as the two teens walked away from the area he was hiding in. He was furious, appalled by the fact that she would love a disgusting piece of garbage such as that dumb mechanic. His blood boiled as he trailed behind them like a lost dog, watching as his beautiful angel laughing up in the face of that disgusting talented creature. The more he knew that she had a talent, they had a talent, the angrier and the more jealous he got. He's gotten this far in life without a talent, and now the destined love of his life is being ravished by scumbags such as Kazuichi. He kept following him until they parted ways at their cottages, sneaking towards the back of (Y/n)'s cabin and silently watched her from the window.

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