"Yeah because you guys will let me do that...fool," I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not a fucking fool," he growled.

"Could have fooled me...fool," I shrugged, trying to not smile at my own jokes.

He sat straighter, moving his face closer to mine as he mustered up an intimidating glare. "Don't make me fucking hit-"

"Whoa, stop pissing him off," the guy on my right moved forward, leaning into me to push his 'friend' back and that was the perfect moment I needed as I quickly pulled the syringe and shoved it in my pocket whilst he tried to 'diffuse' the distraction I made.

"Okay," I mumbled.

The rest of the ride was filled with silence as I tried to remember the roads we were going through. One thing I was grateful for now was my memory. We had been driving for more than one hour and I was starting to panic if they were going to go to a different city.

Then I saw an extremely large building come into my line of sight, which I now realised, was a mansion. It wasn't one of the awe worthy moments where you envied whoever owned it, no; it was one of those moments where your whole body fills with dread.

Even in the dark I knew the mansion was shady, bordering on black, blending in with the woods that surrounded it. All the windows were pitch black, except the bottom floor where a dim glow could be seen through the large window. The long vines running along the mansion caught my attention- they weren't beautiful and green. They were rotting.

There was no way in hell I was going in there.

The van came to a sudden stop and I frowned when they didn't go through the driveway, leading to the rusty grey gates. I watched as the blue-eyed guy climbed out of the van and signaled for the guards to take me out.

I shoved their hands off me, scowling at them, "I can get out myself thank you."

The driver remained in the van as we four stood in the woods, a few minutes walk away from the mansion. There was an eerie silence surrounding us and I started to get an uncomfortable feeling as the guy stared directly into my eyes. He didn't even blink when a gush of wind whipped at our faces.

"Rose, do you know why you're here?" the blue-eyed guy questioned with a monotone voice.

"No," I replied bluntly.

He smirked making me narrow my eyes.

I watched as he made a motion with his hands towards the woods, I saw nothing but darkness and frowned at him in confusion as if he had lost his mind until he spoke once again. "Meet my Father Rose."

Then without any warning, a man in his mid forties walked into my line of sight, appearing from the woods in a black suit and then when my eyes connected with his... everything stopped.

My heart rate, the blood pumping through my veins, the feeling in my soul, everything in me came to a sudden halt as I felt the colour drain from my face.

He was here.

He was standing right in front of me.

"We meet again Rose, I believe you remember me?" his voice was deep and hollow.

My eyes stared directly into those dark, cruel blue eyes that had haunted me for a whole year. Haunted and ruined me till piece by piece I was losing myself. I wanted to scream, run as far as my legs could take me but just like a year ago, I was helpless and I hated myself for that.

"How have you been?" He was ruthless. Such a simple phrase to another person's ear would sound as if we were long lost friends. Oh how I would rather bury myself in a hole and die there than to ever even be an acquaintance to him.

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