Checkout Lines

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"Yeah?" Camila absentmindedly responds while scanning the endless bookshelves for something intriguing.

"Can we please go make out in the car now like you promised?" Lauren begs. Her arms are full of the shopping bags they've acquired during their trip to the mall. She looks so cute standing there with her beanie falling lopsided on her head and her pouty lips.

Camila chuckles and makes eye contact with her girlfriend. "Give me another 15 minutes in this store and we can do more than make out," Camila winks and slaps Lauren's ass as she walks past her.

Lauren's lips curl into a smirk. "Well alright then. You don't have to tell me twice."

Camila gathers a few books and they step in line to pay. She takes half the bags off of Lauren's arms and nags her for always trying to do everything by herself. "You know I'll still love you if you let me do things for you every once in a while, right?" Camila asks her playfully.

"I do let you do things for me," Lauren defends. "I'm about to let you do a bunch of things for me as soon as we reach the car," She whispers against the shell of Camila's ear.

Camila shivers and suddenly the line looks a lot longer that it did a moment ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2018 ⏰

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