Those Dreaded Conversations

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"Lauren," She breathes out into the chilly night air. "Say something."

Lauren stares emotionlessly back at her. "Congrats."

Camila shakes her head, frowning. Tears are building in her eyes and she has no power to stop the impending flood.

Lauren looks down at her lap. "You're a superstar. You go on 6-month long world tours sometimes. It's what you do. It's amazing, really." But Lauren doesn't sound amazed. She just sounds small.

Camila reaches over and grabs Lauren's shaking hand, interlocking their fingers. She brushes her thumb against the back of her hand. "Lauren, look at me."

The green-eyed girl obliges. Her eyes are red and welling with water.

She lets her fingers trail along Lauren's cheek, stopping under her eyes to wipe away her tears. "Lauren..."

Lauren's grip on her hand tightens. "I tried to hate you, Camila."

Camila's lips curl into a deep frown.

"N-No. Just, let me finish," Lauren pleads." When you first showed up outside my door, I tried so badly to hate you. I thought that if I kept my distance and pushed you away every chance I got, there was no way I could possibly fall for you," She shakes her head. "I should've known better. I should've known the minute you walked into my life with that heart-stopping smile of yours and your weird obsession with bananas and old one direction songs. I should've known then. But I didn't. And I've been sitting out here all night trying to figure out how the hell I'm supposed to make it without you."

Camren Drabbles/Unfinished ProjectsWhere stories live. Discover now