Kakashi x Sakura

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Sakura had gotten lazy lately, she would barely accept any missions and it had gone weeks without her being outside of the village. She had been in a state of depression ever since she saw Naruto's progress in his training. Sakura felt unsure of her skills as a shinobi and would often feel that everyone else seemed to know how to contribute to protecting the village, except her. despite her state, she couldn't help but to feel guilt.

She had known that Naruto and Sai had been assigned to a difficult mission, yet she decided no to ask Lady Tsunade if she could go along to help her team. Usually when she had nothing else to do she'd help out.

Sakura had been avoiding Kakashi sensei because she knew he wouldn't be happy knowing she had been slacking off. Frankly he would probably be disappointed in her if he'd learn that whilst everyone else were working hard to protect the leaf village, Sakura was spending time hanging out with Ino and practically doing nothing useful.

Of course Kakashi had noticed that he would see less and less of Sakura. She would usually avoid any places where there was a chance to accidentally run into him. How on earth would someone as skilled as Kakashi sensei understand how shes feeling, always feeling like a weak burden that needs others to protect her, especially Naruto. She wouldn't say it but she kept count of every single time someone had to come to her rescue, the staggering number would keep her up at nights.

No. She just couldn't face Kakashi like this.

Kakashi finally decided there was something wrong. It's just weird that he hadn't run into Sakura for this long. He had heard some rumors that Sakura hadn't been on a mission for awhile, but he simply assumed she had been busy training with Tsunade to learn chakra management. He decided to confront Tsunade herself regarding the progress of Sakura's training. To his surprise Sakura hadn't been training with her at all.

He was shocked. This is so unlike Sakura. Was she okay? horrible anxiety came to Kakashi, he had to go search for sakura immediately and check if she's alright. That silly girl, why wouldn't she come to him if she was going through something difficult.

Kakashi rushed to Sakura's apartment and knocked several times, he got no response. He grew increasingly worried. Alright he would just have to break in, this was no time to go through social protocols. Screw being polite in this situation he thought. He quickly unlocked the door with some skills he had learned back in his days as a Anbu.

It was pitch black in there, No signs of Sakura. he went into the hallway and turned on the light, he looked through one room after the other and finally reached her bedroom. He carefully approached the bedroom and opened the door. it was dark in there and he struggled to see anything at all, Kakashi squinted with his eyes to look closely and he saw something that looked like a shadow hurled into a ball on the bed, quite the scary sight actually. He had no time to be scared, he quickly walked to the bed. As Kakashi got closer to the bed he could now see her clearly in the moonlight shining through the huge window by the bed.

Sakura was so deep in her thoughts she didn't even notice there was someone approaching her, she heard a noise and looked around. She quickly saw someone getting close to her, it looked like Kakashi sensei. what was he doing here.. this is bad now she would have to answer all his questions. Oh god.

Kakashi saw confusion in her eyes as if she had seen a ghost. He was now standing very tall in front of her with his arms crossed. Was Sensei mad? 

"Ka-Kakashi sensei, ehh.. what are you doing here?? i'm so sorry you're not supposed to see me like this" 

She was only wearing a a long silky lingerie that went to above her knees, and panties..

Kakashi hadn't noticed her attire in the dark but that didn't mean sakura didn't know she was not appropriately dressed infront of kakashi

Kakashi x Sakura - That silly girlWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt