Chapter 12-The wedding

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*Star POV*

Today is the day I am going to marry Tom. My whole body is shaking and my breathing is uneven. "Just breath." I tell myself. I look over and see my wedding dress hanging on the door. It is a white dress with lace on the top and ruffles at the bottom.

It has a sweet heart neckline and it is short sleeved. My hair is done up in a braided bun and I have a white headband. I have two curls hanging out on the sides of my head. I look at myself one more time before slipping on the dress. I look in the mirror and just can't believe it. I am getting married. After a lot.of weeks of planning, it is happening. I walk out and I am met by my mother. "Hi mom, how do I look?" I asked. "You look stunning," she says shedding a few tears.
"Aw mom," I say chuckling. She walks up to me and hugs me tightly. "I just can't believe you are getting married." "Well I can't either so someone has to believe." We both laughed at my joke.

"Your father is ready to take you down the aisle," my mother told me.
"Are you?" she quickly asked me. I sighed.
"Ready as I'll ever be." She smiles and leads me down. We walk down a flight of stairs where I see my father. "Oh my you look beautiful my little flower," my father says smiling. "Thanks dad," I say.

He brings out his arm for me to take. I slip my arm in his and I am holding my bouquet in my other hand. We hear the music and we head down. The guards open the doors and we start walking down the aisle. I see all the faces looking at me; I even see Pony Head with her father and all of her sisters. When I look straight I see him. He is in a black tuxedo and looks as handsome as ever. He looks at me and his mouth hangs open.

*Tom POV*

I heard the music start playing and the doors open. When I see her walking down the aisle I just stare. She looks absolutely beautiful and then our eyes meet. I see her beautiful blue eyes staring into mine and all I can do is smile. When she gets up to me we father kisses her cheek and he puts her hand in mine.

When our hands touch I feel that special spark I always feel when we touch. That feeling that lets me know that we are meant to be. "Are you ready to recite your vows?" the priest asks.
I nod. "Star, I have never met a girl like you. You are kind, sweet and beautiful. When you came to my castle asking me out I just couldn't believe it was happening and when we kissed, I just felt like this was right. You are the light in my life and without you, I would be living in darkness."

I finished and I saw tears in her eyes. I slipped the ring on her finger. I heard a lot of awes and blushed. Then she started her vows. "Tom, I never knew I would feel this way about anyone before. I didn't think I would get this far but, I did and because of you, I have a beautiful daughter who I love with all my heart and I don't know what I would do if you or her were not in my life." She finished. I couldn't help but smile. She the put the ring on my finger. "Do you Thomas Lucitor, take Star Butterfly to be your lawfully wedded wife, till death do you part?" the priest asked me.

"I do," I instantly said. "And do you Star Butterfly, take Thomas Lucitor as your lawfully wedded husnad to love and cherish until death do you part?" the priest asked Star. "I do," she instantly said smiling. "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife; you may kiss the bride." You didn't have to tell me twice. We leaned into eachother and kissed. It was passionate that made me just deepen the kiss even more. Flames and butterflies engulfed or bodies.

I didn't care who watched; as long as I have her that is all I care about. We broke a part and heard everyone clap. I looked over at Star and I grabbed her hand. When we walked to the center I could tell what Star wanted to do. She grinned and threw the bouquet behind her. We turned around and saw who caught it. Pony head. "Oh yeah! That is right! I am next to getting married!" he shouted making everyone laugh.

At the party, we shared our first slow dance together as husband and wife. We swayed at the rythem of the song. We head with in the crook of my neck and one of my hands on her back and the other holding her had. Her the same.

*Star POV*
I just can't believe it! I am married! I am married to Tom! I just can't wait for the wonderful years ahead. As we danced, our eyes met. "I love you," I said. "I love you too." We shared a sweet kiss that didn't last took long since there would be people  watching us. We continued dancing never wanting to let go.

After the party, people leaving and Pony Head bragging that she caught the bouquet and that she will be married next. After she and her family left, I went up to my parents.
"Hello Star and Tom," my mother greeted us.
"Hello," I say smiling.
"I am so happy for you both; I wish you only happy years ahead," my mother says. I give her a hug and she hugs back. My dad gives me a hug before giving Tom a hug.
"So glad to have you as a son-in-law," my father said. "Thanks sir," Tom said.

"Please call me dad-" "And call me mom," my mom chimed in.
"Alright mom and dad," he said. I smiled and held his hand. "Well, we better be off to bed, goodnight," my mother says waving to us before leaving the room. We put Luna to bed then went to my room, which is now our room now. "Ready to have our wedding night?" Tom asked me. I grinned and with that we headed to the bed and had a great night.

Hope you enjoyed that! This was probably my longest chapter! Comment what you think!💛✌

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