Chapter Twenty

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The Doctor turned to his right in time to see the airlock door finish opening. This split second distraction was all the Master needed. He ran at speed towards the Doctor, grabbed his arms and pushed him forward towards the door.  

The Doctor struggled against his grip but his recent renewal had weakened him leaving him powerless to resist. Each passing second brought him closer to the airlock and the swirling vortex beyond. Despite a force field being in operation he could feel its pull getting ever stronger.  

The Master tightened his grip on the Doctor's left arm and released his right. With his free hand he reached over to a round button and smacked it hard with the palm of his hand. The force field shimmered indicating that it would now allow access out without letting anything in.  

He knew straight away what the button had done and what it meant for him. At any moment the Master could hurl him out and watch the vortex tear him apart. Experience told him that just wasn't his style though. He'd want to savour the moment and enjoy his pain and discomfort.  

The Master spun the Doctor around to face him and released his hand from his arm. Without giving him any time to react he than grasped the labels of his suit and pushed him closer to the opening. He suffered a moment of panic as the Doctor almost lost his balance and desperately flailed his arms in the air. His left hand caught the edge of the shield and he saw him wince in pain as the coldness of space caught the tips of his fingers. 

"Hurts doesn't it Doctor and that was only for a second." he said clearly enjoying the moment of pain he'd inflicted.

Sylvester paced up and down the gloomy console room not knowing what to do for the best. The Doctor had gone out there alone to deal with that mad man. He'd specifically told him to stay in the Tardis though and he didn't really want to go against his wishes again. Then he remembered the scanner screen the Doctor had used to confirm their location. He could at least see what was happening. 

Fortunately the scanner was still switched on otherwise he wouldn't have stood a chance of working out which of the many buttons, dials and levers operated it. At first it was difficult to see what was going but as his eyes adjusted he realised the Doctor was in mortal danger. His warning to stay in the Tardis meant nothing now. If he didn't act fast he'd face a fate similar to the Doctor's. 

He flicked the only switch he'd managed to memorise and ran towards the open door. Plans were for people who had the time to make them. He didn't have that luxury so he'd have think on his feet.

Doctor Who and the Final Confrontation (The Future Doctor Chronicles Part Two)Where stories live. Discover now